Executive Committee Agenda

Saturday, January 13
Teak Room | 8:00am


  1. Call to Order (Steve Sorenson)

  2. Review/Approval of Minutes (last official meeting)
    • Minutes of January 21, 2023 Executive Committee Meeting


  1. Executive Committee Business
    • 2024 Meetings
      • Board / Finance Committee Meetings: Thursday, Feb 29 – Austin, TX
      • Executive Committee Meeting: Friday (lunch), Mar 1 – Austin, TX
    • SID Steering Committee Meeting: June 6-7 – London, England
    • June Board Meeting: Date / Location TBD

  2. Review of 2023 Annual Meeting
    • Financial Close-Out Report
    • Meeting Evaluation Summary


  1. 2024 Annual Meeting Discussion
    • Topics / Speakers
    • Educational Foundation Fundraiser
    • Frank McGinnis Merit Award (recipients?)
  2. 2025 Annual Meeting
    • Location / Schedule TBD


BREAK (10:15 – 10:30 am)


  1. 2025 SID Congress Planning – Chicago

  2. Legal Discussion (Blog Photos)
  3. Other EC Business

  LUNCH (12:00 -1:00 pm) 

 RESUME (1:15 pm)  To include Carli Kistler-Miller

  1. Educational Foundation Report (Cate Smith)

  2. Membership / Marketing Plan / New Hire Discussion


  1. Review of KPIs / Strategic Plan (Cate Smith)
    • Plan Review / Updates


  1. Adjourn (by 4:00 pm)