Chair: Rich Briggs, Smith & Richardson
Chair: Rich Briggs, Smith & Richardson
- Mission Statement Review
- To provide relevant technical programming to lead and support the Association members to achieve global competitiveness.
- Nomination and Vote for 2025 Vice Chair
- Brainstorm and Vote on 2025 Theme (past themes in folder)
- Program Overview
- Proposed new schedule
- Either30/42/44 sessions in eight blocks consisting of speakers/interactive discussions/print sessions. – sessions from past 5 years in folder
- Brainstorm topics for keynote speaker
- Geoff McLachlan – topic is networking and can do breakout
- Speaker agency website:
- Program Development
In folder – Survey results, Event Report, Session evals & Ah-ha moments, Post NTC survey results
- Sessions
- Brainstorm programing ideas – Past programs in folder
- Vote on sessions
- Identify potential speakers for sessions
- Print sessions
- Other Business
- Sponsorships
- Recording
- Next Meeting – Site visits.
- Select city
- Choose a couple of dates
- Adjourn