Great sidebar in an article in Automation World. If you are doing or working with Machine Automation, this list is for you.

- ISO 12100-1 and ISO 14121: Safety of machinery – principles for design and risk assessment
- IEC 60204-1: Safety of electrical equipment
- NFPA79 (2006): Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery
- ISO 13849-1, -2: Safety related parts of machinery (SRPCS)
- IEC 61326-3-1: EMC and functional machinery
- IEC 61508: Functional Safety (basic standard)
- IEC61496: Safety
- IEC61131-6: Safety for PLCs
- IEC61800-5-2: Safety function for drives
- IEC 61511: Standards for fire & gas systems
- ANSI B11.19: Performance criteria for the design, construction, care and operation of safeguarding
- ANSI B11.TR6: Safety control systems for machine tools
- ANSI / RIA 15.06, CAN / CSA Z434: Safety requirements for robots and robot systems
- IEC 62061: Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electric and programmable electronic control systems.
Standards for risk assessment
- ANSI / RIA15.06, CAN / CSA Z434: Safety requirements for robots and robot systems
- ANSI B11.TR3: Risk Assessment and risk reduction – A guide to estimate, evaluate and reduce risks associated with machine tools.
- ANSI B11.2008: General safety requirements common to ANSI B11 machines.
- ISO 14121: Safety of machinery – principles of risk assessment.
To read the feature article relating to this story, go to Feature Article