PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

July 26, 2024


GDP for the second quarter increased at a 2.8% annualized pace adjusted for seasonality and inflation, beating economists’ expectations of 2.1%.  Personal consumption was up 2.3% for the quarter. Our take, it is good news the consumer is still active. The consumer is the backbone of our economy.  On the downside for those looking for interest rate cuts continued inflation and solid growth is going to push that out further.


Companies are now using AI to help program robots.  Technology utilizing advanced sensors and AI is allowing real-time feedback for direct force control.  Direct force control is a technology that allows robots to have dynamically controlled movements rather than static.  Our take, AI is an exciting horizon that is allowing computers to calculate more complex tasks.  Running simulations on a robot takes hundreds of hours from programmers and has your solution up and running faster.


CrowdStrike Outage

CrowdStrike outage showed us all how fragile our interconnected world is.  An update with bad code caused a cascading effect that behaved like a virus.  Airlines cancelled flights, syndicated broadcasts went dead air, we could not get out drinks from the local gas station, for some it felt like everything was crumbling.  The question is what are you doing now to change your systems to be unaffected by the next IT outage?  How can your shop stay running if the internet were out for a week?  Our parts are mission critical, so our systems must be built that way as well.


PODCAST – How To Beat The Heat


WEEKLY TIP – ARTICLE: Happy Workers are Good Workers


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

July 19, 2024

Machine Tool Orders

Orders for machine tools grew 22 percent over April 2024 and 6.5 percent over May 2023.  Demand for machine tools remains high even with elevated interest rates.  Our take, growth in machine tools has slowed off the post pandemic highs but is steady which is what we see in our business trends reporting.  The volatility is being squeezed out with the easing of the supply chain whip effects of the pandemic.

NY State Mfg Survey

“Business activity continued to decline modestly in New York State, according to firms responding to the July 2024 Empire State Manufacturing Survey. The headline general business conditions index was little changed at -6.6. New orders remained steady, while shipments inched just slightly higher. Delivery times shortened, and supply availability was unchanged. Inventories moved lower. Labor market conditions remained weak, with employment continuing to contract. Input prices increased modestly while selling price increases were quite minor. Firms were fairly optimistic that conditions would improve in the months ahead.”

Our take: Sometimes the news isn’t the news, but the lack of news. We are encouraged to see the words “modestly,” “little changed,”  “steady,” “inched higher,” “shortened,” and “unchanged” in the NY Federal Reserve Banks Summary of business activity. Lack of volatility is as important a signal to our businesses as would be a huge exogenous event.  We’ll take low volatility as an optimistic signal in July.



AT&T Hack

Massive hack to AT&T servers managed by Snowflake has exposed customer data including phone numbers, text messages, call logs, and other key information.  This breach affects almost all of AT&T 242 million customers.  Our take: we live in a connected world.  Our company, personnel, and our personal data is everywhere on the internet.  Snowflake has had several other breaches.   With critical data it is important to not to just pick the lowest bidder but a competent partner in your cloud solutions.


PODCAST – Is Utility What We Really Mean When We Say Value


WEEKLY TIP – CRIBSHEET : #116: Twist drills for success


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

July 12, 2024

Cutting Tool Orders

US cutting tools orders rose 1.8 percent over May of 2023.  Orders were down .1% from April of 2024 but have brought our year-to-date total up 4% over 2023.  Our take, the steady growth in cutting tools is continued sign that our shops are busy but not frantic. Backlogs for cutting tools are coming down.  It matches data from our own Business Trends survey showing shops are reducing overtime and working at a steady pace.

Small Business Report

Good news /Bad news characterizes the NFIB’s latest Small Business Optimism report.

The good news is that in June, the index reached its highest point in the year at 91.5, up one point from May. It was back  December 2023  when the index was higher, at 91.9. the bad news? It has been 30 months since the index was at or above the historical average of 98. 

Our Take: 30 months below average is our definition of Pessimism. Higher costs of compensation, inability to fill open positions, continued high prices, lower profit trends, and tight credit – with no relief in sight- all of these argue that Small Business pessimism is well founded.


Large Data Leak

On July 4th while we were celebrating a file was posted online containing just under 10 billion user credentials.  This is the largest ever leaked compilation of passwords online.  The list is a combination of some older lists already posted online and new data from resent hacks.  Our take, an event like this is an ever-present reminder that we must be diligent in the creation of our online passwords.  Reusing credentials can create devastating consequences that will ripple through an organization.

Vehicle Sales

In June 2024, the US sold 15.29 million vehicles, down from 15.91 million in May. Since 1976, the average monthly sales of vehicles in the US have been 14.80 million, with a peak of 21.71 million in October 2001 and a trough of 8.48 million in April 2020. Our take, vehicle sales was a slight miss from the consensus number but is still running above its long run average.  Sales have been rising since the low in September 2021 but have trended mostly sideways since June 2023.


PODCAST – Interview with CorpInfoTech (Speaking of Suppliers)


WEEKLY TIP – #129: How To Beat The Heat


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

July 5, 2024


Industry Week reported that the June Institute for Supply Management Purchasing Managers Index  (ISM-PMI) continued its third consecutive month of decline, down 0.2 points from May. The Index was reported to be 48.5 in June.


Our take: Summer doldrums are probably not to blame here, but rather a rebalancing of supply and demand may be taking place. A ransomware attack on CDK Global crippled auto dealerships using CDK software June 18th, affecting sales in one of our largest markets served. Watch for PMPA’s Business Trends Report for insight into how our industry compares to the broader manufacturing industry.


 Jolts job openings rose by 221,000 from April to 8.140 million in May 2024, beating the market consensus of 7.91 million.  Our take,  the labor market still is hot.  We hear of layoffs and doom and gloom but the data is showing the market may be shifting to new kinds of employment.

Cutting Tool Orders

US cutting tool orders year to date rose just under 5% over 2023.  April was 1.1% higher than in March and just above February making April the highest reading the index since August of 2023. Orders were 214.7 million in April pushing the 3-month moving average well above the 12 month trendline.  Our take, this is good news in both that we are still seeing growth in the cutting tool market but also that the increases are more along the trendline.  Wild upswings were from increased prices not growth.


New Orders

New Orders

The US Census reported today that new orders for manufactured goods in May, down following three consecutive monthly increases, decreased $3.0 billion or 0.5 percent to $583.1 billion. This followed a 0.4 percent April increase.  Transportation drove the increase.


Shipments, also down following three consecutive monthly increases, decreased $4.2 billion or 0.7 percent to $584.8 billion.  This followed a 0.8 percent April increase.  Transportation led the decrease.

Unfilled Orders

Unfilled orders, up forty-six consecutive months, increased once again by $3.1 billion or 0.2 percent to $1,402.8 billion. Transportation equipment, up forty-three of the last forty-four months, drove the increase, $3.4 billion or 0.4 percent to $909.0 billion.




Our take: In Real Estate, it’s all about Location, Location, Location. The facts this month argue that for  manufacturing, it is Transportation, transportation, transportation.


PODCAST – The Relationship Between Continuing Claims and Job Openings


WEEKLY TIP – #129: How To Beat The Heat


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

June 21, 2024

Industrial Production

Manufacturing led the surge in Industrial Production for May 2024 , with an increase of 0.9 percent for both Manufacturing and the headline industrial production number.

Industrial production had declined in the prior two months. Compared to the year earlier level, Industrial production in May of 2024 was 0.4 percent higher, according to the Federal Reserve.

Seasonally adjusted gross value of Durable Goods for May was $565.6 Billion; up $8.9 billion from April. Automotive Products were $409.8 billion in May,  up $5.9 billion over April.


Our take: PMPA’s Monthly Business Trends Report has been solidly positive all year, and this May Industrial Production report validates our continued optimism, despite higher borrowing costs and other factors.



NY Mfg Index

The NY Empire State Manufacturing Index rose from -15.6 in May to -6 in June 2024 better than expected. It is the highest reading in four months, although it still pointing to a slight decline in manufacturing activity in the New York State. New orders held steady, while shipments inched higher. Delivery times shortened somewhat, and supply availability remained about the same.  Our take, the index has moved a long way from the lows of -43.7 in January 2024 which was the lowest reading since COVID.   It seems negative sentiment coming into 2024 weighed heavy on this indicator and the reality is it is not proving out.

Cutting Tool Orders

US cutting tool orders year to date rose just under 5% over 2023.  April was 1.1% higher than in March and just above February making April the highest reading the index since August of 2023. Orders were 214.7 million in April pushing the 3-month moving average well above the 12 month trendline.  Our take, this is good news in both that we are still seeing growth in the cutting tool market but also that the increases are more along the trendline.  Wild upswings were from increased prices not growth.


Machine Tool Orders

US machine tool orders totaled 317.9 million in April 2024.  Decreasing 25.6% from March 2024 but only 5.4% behind April 2023.  Year to date orders are lagging 2023 by 16.2%.  Currently the West and Southeast regions are leading the charge with 30% and 15.4% growth over April 2023.  Our take, machine tool orders tend to move in cycles.  Coming off the historically large purchases in 2021 though 2022 a pull back is expected.  April 2024 is running 12 month average.


Weekly Tip…



PODCAST – Ten Important Things to Know Before Working as a CNC Machinist

PODCAST – 2024 PMPA National Technical Conference Wrap Up

30 Potential Causes of Part Length Variation On Screw Machine Parts


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

June 7, 2024

Job Openings

The number of job openings declined by 296,000 from the previous month to 8.059 million in April 2024, the lowest level since February 2021 and missing the market consensus of 8.34 million. Our take, a miss for the market but a good sign that the competition for employees is getting less fierce.  Job openings are good for the economy, but having too many can cause price inflation. Cooling in this area will go a long way to brining prices under control.


According to PR Newswire the ISM PMI came in at 48.7 missing analysist expectations of 49.6.  A decline for new orders, inventories, and backlog of orders. Production slowed from 51.3 to 50.2.  Our take, the ISM has been bouncing around this area for since October of 2022.  The recent trend over the last year is in the upward direction but in a slow rising trend line.

Cell Phone Security

Cybersecurity Best Practices for Our Phones- From NSA
Cybersecurity isn’t just about CMMC and server security. NSA has developed a list of mobile device best practices and the powering down once each week tops the list.

NSA Mobile Device Best Practices list

While rebooting your phone will not stop every attack, according to NSA’s Neal Zheng, Quoted in PC Magazine “”since a lot of modern cyberattacks are [a] chain of two, three, or even more vulnerabilities in a row that have to be successfully exploited…you can reset the adversary back to the beginning of that chain and force them to go through the whole thing again” by rebooting your device.”

PC magazine article


PODCAST – Factors That Control The Change in Microstructures in Metals

What’s The Buzz (NTC 2024)

CRIBSHEET – Why Do We Say Tenths Instead of Ten Thousandths


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

May 17, 2024

Core CPI

The Core CPI increased 0.3 percent in April in line with expectations, after rising 0.4 percent in March. Year over year the index increased 3.4 percent before seasonal adjustment. Our take, the month over month change has slowed to the lowest level since December 2023.  The current .3 percent is still a 3.6 percent annual increase which is well above the targeted 2 percent. It will remain difficult for the Fed to decrease rates as CPI remains stubbornly high.

Core PPI

Core PPI rose .5 percent in April well above the expected .2 percent. The March reading was revised downward from .2 percent to a decline of .1 percent.  Year over year Core PPI increased 2.4 percent the largest increase since August of 2023. Our take, prices are remaining elevated, and it appears PPI is moving in the wrong direction. A downward revision from March helps current numbers average out with expectations, but the year over year number is a concerning indicator that prices are still moving up despite increased interest rates.

Machine Tool Orders

Orders for machine tools increased by 25 percent in March over February 2024.  Orders for machine tools year to date are down 21.3 percent over 2023. Orders from contract machine shop increased to highest level in 12 months. Our take, machine tool orders are lagging 2023 but we are starting to see growth again.  Orders for contract shops increasing falls in line with our business trends showing shops have elevated expectations of sales and profitability over the next 3 months.


Consumer Sentiment

According to the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, (USBEA) first quarter 2024  Personal consumption expenditures represented nearly 68% of US GDP.

So the latest (preliminary)  University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Survey  presents us with a warning. Consumer sentiment dropped 13% to a six-month low in May 2024, a significant 10-point decline after several consecutive months of stability. Compared to the prior month this was a drop of -12.7 percent;  this is the lowest reading in  six months. This downturn reflects widespread concerns across various demographics about rising inflation, unemployment and interest rates. Year ahead inflation expectations rose from 3.2 percent last month to 3.5 percent in May, remaining above the 2.3-3.0 percent range prior to the pandemic.

Link Consumer sentiment:

Link Consumer spending as percentage of GDP (authors calculations from Table 3):


Our take: The role of the consumer as the ultimate foundation of economic activity makes this survey an important resource for anticipating business conditions going forward. This is not a call to alarm, but a sign that consuimers just might be finally seeing what the folks in the media have been trying to tell them with all of the negative headlines.


PODCAST – Sales Is Not a Sprint It’s a Marathon

PMPA’s NTC 2024 Wrap Up

.40 Carbon Steel Brinell Hardness vs. Tempering Temperature


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

May 10, 2024

Factory Orders, Shipments & Inventories

The monthly full report for New orders for manufactured goods in March, up two consecutive months, increased $9.1 billion or 1.6 percent to $584.5 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau reported. This followed a 1.2 percent February increase. Shipments, also up two consecutive months, increased $1.5 billion or 0.3 percent to $583.3 billion. This followed a 1.4 percent February increase. Inventories, up two consecutive months, increased $0.4 billion or virtually unchanged to $857.7 billion. This followed a 0.2 percent February increase.

Our take: If this is an economic slowdown, we’re a fan. New orders up is a leading indicator, Shipments up is a coincident indicator, and inventories remaining level tell us no need to panic about a slowdown suddenly appearing.



World Steel Production

In March world steel production 161.2 million tons was down 4.3 percent from a year earlier.  China was down 7.8 percent with the rest of the world rising .6 percent. Our take,  China being the largest producer of steel pulled the index down.  Europe outside of the EU has seen a 20.5% increase in production this year. The United States production was flat in March and is currently down about 1.6 percent for the year.

Monthly U.S International Trade in Goods & Services

The U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis announced today that the goods and services deficit was $69.4 billion in March, down $0.1 billion from $69.5 billion in February, revised.

March exports were $257.6 billion, $5.3 billion less than February exports. March imports were $327.0 billion, $5.4 billion less than February imports.

Capital Goods Imports (Census Basis, seasonally adjusted)in  March were $75.7 billion were the highest on record.

March imports of other goods ($10.4 billion) were the lowest since December 2022 ($10.0 billion).

The March deficit with Mexico ($14.7 billion) was the highest on record.
Our Take: We believe that the correct reading of the facts  for the goods and services deficit is “essentially unchanged.” We cannot decry the imports from Mexic being highest on record when we are trying as a matter of national security policy to decouple from China. Policy actions have consequences. Consequences inevitably show up in the data.


Microsoft Windows Server

A recent update to Microsoft‘s Windows Server can cause process crashes forcing the domain controller to reboot.  This happens when the local security authority subsystem service crashes forcing the reboot. Our take, Microsoft is working on fixes for the problem. The April updates were critical security updates but if you are possibly vulnerable to the reboot issue in mission critical applications you might want to wait until the fixes are complete.

3D Printed Lathe

YouTuber Chris Borge has created a 3d printed lathe.  The spindle is based around an ER Collet chuck and the bed is made from 80/20 channels. Our take, this is a cool use of 3d printing technology.  A conversation starter that we thought would get you thinking.


PODCAST – 7 Little Known Regulations

STATE OF MANUFACTURING – Maine Manufacturing


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

May 3, 2024


According to PR news the ISM Manufacturing PMI fell to 49.2 in April of 2024 from 50.3 in the earlier month, below market expectations. The number puts PMI back into a contractionary indicator failing to capitalize on the expansion indicated in March which was the first expansion in 16 months.  Our take, PMI has been moving in the right direction but has a been a fickle indicator since September of last year bouncing from near expansion to contraction which is drawn as a sideways move.   This indicates more uncertainty of the future but does not give us a solid trend to analyze. Although, the last 12 months do move in a slight upward trend.  

Manufacturing PMI® at 49.2%; April 2024 Manufacturing ISM® Report On Business® (

EPA Methylene Chloride Final Rule

We have not found the federal register notice, but we have seen an official press release announcement of the Banning of Methylene Chloride under TSCA. Methylene Chloride is used In shod=s for Parts cleaning, Degreasing as well as a component of many maintenance spray products and gasket removing products.

“Today, April 30, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finalized a ban on most uses of methylene chloride… EPA’s final action, also known as a risk management rule under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), requires companies to rapidly phase down manufacturing , processing, and distribution of methylene chloride for all consumer uses and most industrial and commercial uses, including its use in home renovations. Consumer use will be phased out within a year, and most industrial and commercial uses will be prohibited within two years.”

For more information contact Miles Free, Director of Industry Affairs at PMPA

Soo Locks

The Soo Locks provide critical trade infrastructure between Lake Superior and the lower great lakes.  A critical component of those locks was failing after 60 years of service and the lead time for new castings was about 18 months.  With a tight lead time the Army Core of Engineers was able to get the project done in 12 weeks using wire arc manufacturing, an additive process. Our take, it is time for us to open our perspective up to understand where additive can be a complement to our business infrastructure.   Long lead times for castings and forgings can force us to look for alternatives.  Additive manufacturing can be a good end solution or a gap solution until near net shapes are available. 

USACE 3D Prints Largest-Ever Civil Works Component for Soo Locks – 3Dnatives

Job Openings

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ,  the number of U.S. job openings in manufacturing decreased in March. The number of job openings in the larger economy decreased slightly from 8.8 to  approximately 8.5 million.

  • There were 570,000 open positions in the U.S. manufacturing industry in March, down from an adjusted 587,000 in February.
  • Open positions in durable goods manufacturing also declined, to 353,000 in March from an adjusted 379,000 in February.

Hires and quits: Hiring in the manufacturing sector remained level, with  323,000 in March (slightly down from February’s 324,000).

A Little Cyber in Your Day

The United Health attack was implemented using the Citrix Bug.  Hackers gain access by lacing webshells on vulnerable NetScalers to gain access.  Installing the backdoors gives access to sensitive data and the ability launch further attacks. Our take, if you have not already insured your Citrix systems are up to date please double check all updates are complete.  Also enable multi-factor authentication as it would have helped stop this type of attack.   This attack specifically targets the NetScaler instances.  

UnitedHealth hackers used stolen Citrix credentials, CEO says | Cybernews



PODCAST – Who is Your Best Trainer?

ARTICLE – Sales Is Not A Sprint, It’s A Marathon


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

April 19, 2024


Robotics is on the brink of new breakthroughs as technology is getting cheaper.  The components to build and utilize robotics are more prevalent in the marketplace.  AI is making robotics easier to use and more capable.  Simulation technology is allowing robots to learn tasks virtually tackling it in the real world. Our take, Technology is allowing automation to do tasks that were only a dream five years ago.  Start asking questions as capabilities of robotics are growing and your next need may be more attainable than ever.

Industrial Production

Industrial production rose 0.4 percent in March but declined at an annual rate of 1.8 percent in the first quarter. Manufacturing output increased 0.5 percent in March, boosted in part by a gain of 3.1 percent in motor vehicles and parts; factory output excluding motor vehicles and parts moved up 0.3 percent.  The indexes for durable manufacturing and nondurable manufacturing moved up 0.3 percent and 0.7 percent in March, respectively. Industrial Production remains unchanged compared to year earlier level at 102.7 percent of its 2017 average.

Capacity Utilization

Capacity utilization (broad industry) moved up to 78.4 percent in March, a rate that is 1.2 percentage points below its long-run (1972–2023) average. Capacity utilization for manufacturing moved up 0.3 percentage point in March to 77.4 percent, a rate that is 0.8 percentage point below its long-run average.



Our take: The March Data for industrial production as a whole and for manufacturing, both Durable and Nondurables, continued to show positive trend. We look forward to our next PMPA Business Trends Report to confirm that our shops are participating in this positivity.


As deepfakes become more mainstream the threat to business is becoming greater.    The technology is now being used by bad actors to pose as real companies.  Our take, A PMPA member company has recently a received false quote request from a legitimate buyer at a legitimate company.  The request included prints, specifications, and quantity details.  It was a fake request from a hacked account and got caught early.  Be on the lookout for bad actors sending you false requests.

Machine Tool Orders

US machine tool orders increase 2.1% over January. Orders are down 16.9% YTD over 2023.  With contract manufacturers, the largest purchaser of machine tools, reducing new orders.  Our take, there has been a lot of purchases of new machine tools in the last few years.  Higher interest rates are most likely weighing on new purchases as well as economic uncertainty.


National Technical Conference 2024

PODCAST – Deep Dive on Delegation

CRIBSHEET – PMPA Speaking of Precision Podcasts: Leadership


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

April 12, 2024

NFIB Small Business Optimism Index

The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index in the US fell for a third consecutive month to 88.5 in March 2024, the lowest since December 2012 and well below forecasts of 90.2. Our take, NFIB continues to highlight employment problems with 37 percent of companies reporting unfilled job openings. Almost half 48% reported few or no qualified applicants. Finally, 38 percent of companies reported they plan to raise compensation to find qualified applicants.

D-link Devices

A researcher has found that over 92,000 D-link devices have a backdoor account.  This is a new command injection and hardcoded backdoor flaw for multiple end-of-life D-link Network Attached Storage Devices or NAS.  Our take, if you use D-link devices you need to check the device list provided in the link.  There are currently no patches available to fix the vulnerability.

Manufacturing Job Openings

The number of job openings changed little at 8.8 million on the last business day of February, the U.S.

Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the month, the number of hires and total separations

were little changed at 5.8 million and 5.6 million, respectively.

For manufacturing, Openings in February were 583,000, down 13,000 from January 2023, and down 91,000 from February 2023. Job openings for Durable goods manufacturing were 361,000 in February 2024, up 13,000 from January 2024.


Our take:  Little change, overall, but Durable Goods manufacturing, Our industry showed a 13,000, or 3.7 percent increase over January. We’ll take it.

Factory Orders and Shipments

New orders for manufactured goods in February, up following two consecutive monthly decreases, increased $8.2 billion or 1.4 percent to $576.8 billion, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This followed a 3.8 percent January decrease.

New orders for durable goods manufacturing were up $3.517 Billion or 1.3 percent to $277.7 after declining 6.9 percent in January.

New orders for fabricated metal products manufacturing were up $272 million  or 0.8 percent over January 2024.

Our take: New Orders reversed their downward two month trend, turning to the positive, aligning with our Sentiment indicators in February Business Trends Report. With new orders for all manufacturing up 1.0 percent, durable goods manufacturing up 1.8 percent, and fabricated metals up 5.6 percent Our shops are outperforming.


Shipments of manufactured goods, also up following two consecutive monthly decreases, increased $8.0 billion or 1.4 percent to $581.6 billion in February 2024.  This followed a 0.8 percent January decrease. 

Shipments of manufactured durable goods increased 1.2 percent in February to $282.6 billion, a dramatic reversal from the December to January decline of 0.7 percent.

Shipments of manufactured Fabricated metals increased 0.5 percent to 36.4 billion, following the prior months 1.3 percent decrease.


Our take: Shipments are not as positive as new orders- but give us a measure of just how much more busy our shops will be in the months ahead.

Summary release link:

PMPA ListServe Community Topics

Technical : AWWA CC Thread

Technical : Millipore testing

Corporate : Clean room- lessons learned, and  those best avoided.

Corporate : FW: Monthly Manufacturing Policy Slide Deck – April 2024

National Technical Conference 2024

PODCAST – PMPA’s National Technical Conference 2024 – Collaborating For a Better Future

OSHA: Latest Updates (NTC 2023)


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

April 5, 2024

3D Printed Jet

A couple of stories that are not financial in nature.

A 3d printed jet engine was just test fired for the first time.  The engine boasts 90% part consolidation when compared to traditional engine designs. The company went from design to finished engine in 16 months.  Our take, this is an incredible achievement in rapid development.  A process that could normally take decades has been shrunk to mere months.  Our shops need to be nimble and flexible enough to prepare for opportunities that may arise from rapid development.

Open Sourced AI

Companies are having disagreements over what open source AI really is.  Traditionally open sourced software had source code published.  Anyone could modify the code and republish as long as the project remained open.  AI companies limit access to their models for certain purposes.  Most AI companies do not openly publish code. Our take, open source has become a buzzword for AI.  Although there are very few projects that follow open source principles. The majority of AI projects can be called “open use” because of the nature of their accessibility.  OSI (Open Source Initiative) is looking to change that by creating a framework for determining if AI’s are truly open source.

Manufacturing Job Openings

The number of job openings changed little at 8.8 million on the last business day of February, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the month, the number of hires and total separations were little changed at 5.8 million and 5.6 million, respectively.
For manufacturing, Openings in February were 583,000, down 13,000 from January 2023, and down 91,000 from February 2023. Job openings for Durable goods manufacturing were 361,000 in February 2024, up 13,000 from January 2024.


Our take:  Little change, overall, but Durable Goods manufacturing, Our industry showed a 13,000, or 3.7 percent increase over January. We’ll take it

Factory Orders and Shipments

New orders for manufactured goods in February, up following two consecutive monthly decreases, increased $8.2 billion or 1.4 percent to $576.8 billion, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This followed a 3.8 percent January decrease. New orders for durable goods manufacturing were up $3.517 Billion or 1.3 percent to $277.7 after declining 6.9 percent in January. New orders for fabricated metal products manufacturing were up $272 million  or 0.8 percent over January 2024.

Our take: New Orders reversed their downward two month trend, turning to the positive, aligning with our Sentiment indicators in February Business Trends Report. With new orders for all manufacturing up 1.0 percent, durable goods manufacturing up 1.8 percent, and fabricated metals up 5.6 percent Our shops are outperforming.


Shipments of manufactured goods, also up following two consecutive monthly decreases, increased $8.0 billion or 1.4 percent to $581.6 billion in February 2024.  This followed a 0.8 percent January decrease. Shipments of manufactured durable goods increased 1.2 percent in February to $282.6 billion, a dramatic reversal from the December to January decline of 0.7 percent. Shipments of manufactured Fabricated metals increased 0.5 percent to 36.4 billion, following the prior months 1.3 percent decrease.


Our take: Shipments are not as positive as new orders- but give us a measure of just how much more busy our shops will be in the months ahead.

Summary release link:


PMPA ListServe Community Topics

Technical : Induction Hardening Vendor

Technical : DFARS Compliance

Technical : Assistance with New Britain repair & troubleshooting

Technical : Machining Tantalum

Technical : Fusion 360 for CNC

HR : ITAR US Person Compliance Best Practices

National Technical Conference 2024

PODCAST – Custom Tooling

CRIBSHEET – No. 126: AISI System of Identification


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts.

March 29, 2024

Durable Goods

Durable Goods Surprising Positivity in February

The advance report on durable goods was issued by the US Census, and it was a positive report.

New Orders

New orders for manufactured durable goods in February increased $3.7 billion or 1.4 percent to $277.9 billion, reversing the two prior months decline. Excluding Transportation, New orders increased 0.5 percent. Excluding Defense, New orders increased 2.2 percent. Transportation equipment led the increase up $2.9 billion or 3.3 percent.


Shipments of manufactured durable goods in February, increased $3.5 billion or 1.2 percent to $282.7 billion, dwarfing the  0.8 percent January decrease.  Transportation equipment led the increase, increasing  $3.4 billion or 4.0 percent to $89.8 billion.

Our take: The data speaks, and what we hear is that Transportation, a leading market for our shops, is reviving demand for component parts. This aligns well with the positive outlook from PMPA’s January Business Trends Report sentiment indicators.



The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO-1) report will be open for submission starting April 30, 2024. This report is an annual requirement for employers with over 100 employees and is submitted to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The deadline set by the commission for submission is June 4, 2024. It’s crucial to determine if you are required to file. If you have any questions, the online Filer Support Message Center will be available on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, to provide assistance regarding the 2023 collection.

Present Situation

For March 2024, The Conference board reported that the Present Situation Index- which reports on current conditions- increased 3.4 points from 147.6 to 151.0. This is a positive development. However, the Expectations Index, A short term look at income, business, and labor market expectations fell 2.5 points  to 73.8. readings below 80 are said to possibly signal a recession.

Our take: We’ll take the upside on the mixed signals in this report. The data is clear that consumers  note that their situations have improved in March. As for the expectation of possible recession, the most anticipated recession in my lifetime continues to stand up all of its forecasters. We’ll take the data like Durable goods that show us how the spending is trending positively in the economy.


PMPA ListServe Community Topics

Technical : 6062-T6 Aluminum Source

Technical : Type III Cl 3 Hard Coat Anodize, black, Teflon

Technical : ERP Software

Technical : Quick test to determine 1215 from 12L14

Technical : LNS Tryton 112 Compatibility

RE: Technical : Turning Monel K500

Technical : Assistance with New Britain repair & troubleshooting

[PMPA Material & Equipment Exch] ITEM FOR SALE: 5/8″ Round 304L x 14ft

[PMPA Material & Equipment Exch] ITEM FOR SALE: Keyence Controller IM-6601E / Head IM-6120

[PMPA Material & Equipment Exch] ITEM FOR SALE: ACME GRIDLEY, MODEL 4” RB-8

CEO : Aluminum Extrusions- New Determinations from US Department of Commerce

CEO : FW: Monthly Workforce Grants/Incentives Tracking Matrix

Corporate : Aluminum Extrusions- New Determinations from US Department of Commerce

Corporate : Cryogenic Deburring of Plastic

HR : FW: Monthly Workforce Grants/Incentives Tracking Matrix

National Technical Conference 2024

PODCAST – Contract Review

The Point of the Tool Seldom Cuts


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts.

March 22, 2024

Cutting Tool Orders

Cutting tool orders came in at 204.5 million in January 2024.  Orders were up 4.1% when compared with a year earlier and up 9.1% over December 2023. Our take, cutting tools had a nice finish last year.  Cutting tool orders 12 month moving average is riding consistently above durable goods orders.  The divergence started back in December of 2022 which correlates well with our business trends reports showing that we are outperforming broader industry.

Machine Tool Orders

January 2024 machine tool orders down 31% when compared to December 2023.  Our take, the headline doesn’t tell the whole story.  Purchases in December are always elevated as shops take advantage of end of year tax savings.  Orders are only down 3.9% over January 2023 which was almost 17% above an average January. We are also coming of a December 2023 number that grew 12.6% over December 2022.

The Corporate Transparency Act

PMPA joins 125 National Associations Requesting Delay in CTA Implementation

The Corporate Transparency Act which specifically targets small businesses  subjects covered entities and their “beneficial owners” to vague and complex reporting requirements while putting their sensitive personal information at risk.  This was recently challenged in the courts. Bills to delay enforcement have been introduced in the Senate,  S. 3625, the Protect Small Business and Prevent Illicit Financial Activity Act and the House. The House Bill (H.R. 5119), was adopted by the House of Representatives on a bipartisan vote of 420-1 on December 12, 2023. PMPA joined 125 other national associations in a letter  calling for the Senate to delay the implementation of the CTA as it winds its way through the court challenges. Failure to comply with CTA requirements are felony violations, so this is critical. PMPA will keep you posted as this issue continues to develop.


Our Take: Beneficial owners can be any non equity owning employee that has the authority to make business decisions. The CTA requires submission personal identification for these employees on a government website. It is important to get the legality of this new rule squared away before  charging small business job creators with felony paperwork violations.

PMPA ListServe Community Topics

Technical : Induction Hardening Vendor

Technical : DFARS Compliance

Technical : Assistance with New Britain repair & troubleshooting

Technical : Machining Tantalum

Technical : Fusion 360 for CNC

HR : ITAR US Person Compliance Best Practices

National Technical Conference 2024


Demand Drives May 2012 Precision Machining Industry Sales


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

June 21, 2024

Industrial Production

Manufacturing led the surge in Industrial Production for May 2024 , with an increase of 0.9 percent for both Manufacturing and the headline industrial production number.

Industrial production had declined in the prior two months. Compared to the year earlier level, Industrial production in May of 2024 was 0.4 percent higher, according to the Federal Reserve.

Seasonally adjusted gross value of Durable Goods for May was $565.6 Billion; up $8.9 billion from April. Automotive Products were $409.8 billion in May,  up $5.9 billion over April.


Our take: PMPA’s Monthly Business Trends Report has been solidly positive all year, and this May Industrial Production report validates our continued optimism, despite higher borrowing costs and other factors.



NY Mfg Index

The NY Empire State Manufacturing Index rose from -15.6 in May to -6 in June 2024 better than expected. It is the highest reading in four months, although it still pointing to a slight decline in manufacturing activity in the New York State. New orders held steady, while shipments inched higher. Delivery times shortened somewhat, and supply availability remained about the same.  Our take, the index has moved a long way from the lows of -43.7 in January 2024 which was the lowest reading since COVID.   It seems negative sentiment coming into 2024 weighed heavy on this indicator and the reality is it is not proving out.

Cutting Tool Orders

US cutting tool orders year to date rose just under 5% over 2023.  April was 1.1% higher than in March and just above February making April the highest reading the index since August of 2023. Orders were 214.7 million in April pushing the 3-month moving average well above the 12 month trendline.  Our take, this is good news in both that we are still seeing growth in the cutting tool market but also that the increases are more along the trendline.  Wild upswings were from increased prices not growth.


Machine Tool Orders

US machine tool orders totaled 317.9 million in April 2024.  Decreasing 25.6% from March 2024 but only 5.4% behind April 2023.  Year to date orders are lagging 2023 by 16.2%.  Currently the West and Southeast regions are leading the charge with 30% and 15.4% growth over April 2023.  Our take, machine tool orders tend to move in cycles.  Coming off the historically large purchases in 2021 though 2022 a pull back is expected.  April 2024 is running 12 month average.


Weekly Tip…



PODCAST – Ten Important Things to Know Before Working as a CNC Machinist

PODCAST – 2024 PMPA National Technical Conference Wrap Up

30 Potential Causes of Part Length Variation On Screw Machine Parts


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

June 7, 2024

Job Openings

The number of job openings declined by 296,000 from the previous month to 8.059 million in April 2024, the lowest level since February 2021 and missing the market consensus of 8.34 million. Our take, a miss for the market but a good sign that the competition for employees is getting less fierce.  Job openings are good for the economy, but having too many can cause price inflation. Cooling in this area will go a long way to brining prices under control.


According to PR Newswire the ISM PMI came in at 48.7 missing analysist expectations of 49.6.  A decline for new orders, inventories, and backlog of orders. Production slowed from 51.3 to 50.2.  Our take, the ISM has been bouncing around this area for since October of 2022.  The recent trend over the last year is in the upward direction but in a slow rising trend line.

Cell Phone Security

Cybersecurity Best Practices for Our Phones- From NSA
Cybersecurity isn’t just about CMMC and server security. NSA has developed a list of mobile device best practices and the powering down once each week tops the list.

NSA Mobile Device Best Practices list

While rebooting your phone will not stop every attack, according to NSA’s Neal Zheng, Quoted in PC Magazine “”since a lot of modern cyberattacks are [a] chain of two, three, or even more vulnerabilities in a row that have to be successfully exploited…you can reset the adversary back to the beginning of that chain and force them to go through the whole thing again” by rebooting your device.”

PC magazine article


PODCAST – Factors That Control The Change in Microstructures in Metals

What’s The Buzz (NTC 2024)

CRIBSHEET – Why Do We Say Tenths Instead of Ten Thousandths


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

May 17, 2024

Core CPI

The Core CPI increased 0.3 percent in April in line with expectations, after rising 0.4 percent in March. Year over year the index increased 3.4 percent before seasonal adjustment. Our take, the month over month change has slowed to the lowest level since December 2023.  The current .3 percent is still a 3.6 percent annual increase which is well above the targeted 2 percent. It will remain difficult for the Fed to decrease rates as CPI remains stubbornly high.

Core PPI

Core PPI rose .5 percent in April well above the expected .2 percent. The March reading was revised downward from .2 percent to a decline of .1 percent.  Year over year Core PPI increased 2.4 percent the largest increase since August of 2023. Our take, prices are remaining elevated, and it appears PPI is moving in the wrong direction. A downward revision from March helps current numbers average out with expectations, but the year over year number is a concerning indicator that prices are still moving up despite increased interest rates.

Machine Tool Orders

Orders for machine tools increased by 25 percent in March over February 2024.  Orders for machine tools year to date are down 21.3 percent over 2023. Orders from contract machine shop increased to highest level in 12 months. Our take, machine tool orders are lagging 2023 but we are starting to see growth again.  Orders for contract shops increasing falls in line with our business trends showing shops have elevated expectations of sales and profitability over the next 3 months.


Consumer Sentiment

According to the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, (USBEA) first quarter 2024  Personal consumption expenditures represented nearly 68% of US GDP.

So the latest (preliminary)  University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Survey  presents us with a warning. Consumer sentiment dropped 13% to a six-month low in May 2024, a significant 10-point decline after several consecutive months of stability. Compared to the prior month this was a drop of -12.7 percent;  this is the lowest reading in  six months. This downturn reflects widespread concerns across various demographics about rising inflation, unemployment and interest rates. Year ahead inflation expectations rose from 3.2 percent last month to 3.5 percent in May, remaining above the 2.3-3.0 percent range prior to the pandemic.

Link Consumer sentiment:

Link Consumer spending as percentage of GDP (authors calculations from Table 3):


Our take: The role of the consumer as the ultimate foundation of economic activity makes this survey an important resource for anticipating business conditions going forward. This is not a call to alarm, but a sign that consuimers just might be finally seeing what the folks in the media have been trying to tell them with all of the negative headlines.


PODCAST – Sales Is Not a Sprint It’s a Marathon

PMPA’s NTC 2024 Wrap Up

.40 Carbon Steel Brinell Hardness vs. Tempering Temperature


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

May 10, 2024

Factory Orders, Shipments & Inventories

The monthly full report for New orders for manufactured goods in March, up two consecutive months, increased $9.1 billion or 1.6 percent to $584.5 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau reported. This followed a 1.2 percent February increase. Shipments, also up two consecutive months, increased $1.5 billion or 0.3 percent to $583.3 billion. This followed a 1.4 percent February increase. Inventories, up two consecutive months, increased $0.4 billion or virtually unchanged to $857.7 billion. This followed a 0.2 percent February increase.

Our take: If this is an economic slowdown, we’re a fan. New orders up is a leading indicator, Shipments up is a coincident indicator, and inventories remaining level tell us no need to panic about a slowdown suddenly appearing.



World Steel Production

In March world steel production 161.2 million tons was down 4.3 percent from a year earlier.  China was down 7.8 percent with the rest of the world rising .6 percent. Our take,  China being the largest producer of steel pulled the index down.  Europe outside of the EU has seen a 20.5% increase in production this year. The United States production was flat in March and is currently down about 1.6 percent for the year.

Monthly U.S International Trade in Goods & Services

The U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis announced today that the goods and services deficit was $69.4 billion in March, down $0.1 billion from $69.5 billion in February, revised.

March exports were $257.6 billion, $5.3 billion less than February exports. March imports were $327.0 billion, $5.4 billion less than February imports.

Capital Goods Imports (Census Basis, seasonally adjusted)in  March were $75.7 billion were the highest on record.

March imports of other goods ($10.4 billion) were the lowest since December 2022 ($10.0 billion).

The March deficit with Mexico ($14.7 billion) was the highest on record.
Our Take: We believe that the correct reading of the facts  for the goods and services deficit is “essentially unchanged.” We cannot decry the imports from Mexic being highest on record when we are trying as a matter of national security policy to decouple from China. Policy actions have consequences. Consequences inevitably show up in the data.


Microsoft Windows Server

A recent update to Microsoft‘s Windows Server can cause process crashes forcing the domain controller to reboot.  This happens when the local security authority subsystem service crashes forcing the reboot. Our take, Microsoft is working on fixes for the problem. The April updates were critical security updates but if you are possibly vulnerable to the reboot issue in mission critical applications you might want to wait until the fixes are complete.

3D Printed Lathe

YouTuber Chris Borge has created a 3d printed lathe.  The spindle is based around an ER Collet chuck and the bed is made from 80/20 channels. Our take, this is a cool use of 3d printing technology.  A conversation starter that we thought would get you thinking.


PODCAST – 7 Little Known Regulations

STATE OF MANUFACTURING – Maine Manufacturing


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

May 3, 2024


According to PR news the ISM Manufacturing PMI fell to 49.2 in April of 2024 from 50.3 in the earlier month, below market expectations. The number puts PMI back into a contractionary indicator failing to capitalize on the expansion indicated in March which was the first expansion in 16 months.  Our take, PMI has been moving in the right direction but has a been a fickle indicator since September of last year bouncing from near expansion to contraction which is drawn as a sideways move.   This indicates more uncertainty of the future but does not give us a solid trend to analyze. Although, the last 12 months do move in a slight upward trend.  

Manufacturing PMI® at 49.2%; April 2024 Manufacturing ISM® Report On Business® (

EPA Methylene Chloride Final Rule

We have not found the federal register notice, but we have seen an official press release announcement of the Banning of Methylene Chloride under TSCA. Methylene Chloride is used In shod=s for Parts cleaning, Degreasing as well as a component of many maintenance spray products and gasket removing products.

“Today, April 30, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finalized a ban on most uses of methylene chloride… EPA’s final action, also known as a risk management rule under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), requires companies to rapidly phase down manufacturing , processing, and distribution of methylene chloride for all consumer uses and most industrial and commercial uses, including its use in home renovations. Consumer use will be phased out within a year, and most industrial and commercial uses will be prohibited within two years.”

For more information contact Miles Free, Director of Industry Affairs at PMPA

Soo Locks

The Soo Locks provide critical trade infrastructure between Lake Superior and the lower great lakes.  A critical component of those locks was failing after 60 years of service and the lead time for new castings was about 18 months.  With a tight lead time the Army Core of Engineers was able to get the project done in 12 weeks using wire arc manufacturing, an additive process. Our take, it is time for us to open our perspective up to understand where additive can be a complement to our business infrastructure.   Long lead times for castings and forgings can force us to look for alternatives.  Additive manufacturing can be a good end solution or a gap solution until near net shapes are available. 

USACE 3D Prints Largest-Ever Civil Works Component for Soo Locks – 3Dnatives

Job Openings

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ,  the number of U.S. job openings in manufacturing decreased in March. The number of job openings in the larger economy decreased slightly from 8.8 to  approximately 8.5 million.

  • There were 570,000 open positions in the U.S. manufacturing industry in March, down from an adjusted 587,000 in February.
  • Open positions in durable goods manufacturing also declined, to 353,000 in March from an adjusted 379,000 in February.

Hires and quits: Hiring in the manufacturing sector remained level, with  323,000 in March (slightly down from February’s 324,000).

A Little Cyber in Your Day

The United Health attack was implemented using the Citrix Bug.  Hackers gain access by lacing webshells on vulnerable NetScalers to gain access.  Installing the backdoors gives access to sensitive data and the ability launch further attacks. Our take, if you have not already insured your Citrix systems are up to date please double check all updates are complete.  Also enable multi-factor authentication as it would have helped stop this type of attack.   This attack specifically targets the NetScaler instances.  

UnitedHealth hackers used stolen Citrix credentials, CEO says | Cybernews



PODCAST – Who is Your Best Trainer?

ARTICLE – Sales Is Not A Sprint, It’s A Marathon


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

April 19, 2024


Robotics is on the brink of new breakthroughs as technology is getting cheaper.  The components to build and utilize robotics are more prevalent in the marketplace.  AI is making robotics easier to use and more capable.  Simulation technology is allowing robots to learn tasks virtually tackling it in the real world. Our take, Technology is allowing automation to do tasks that were only a dream five years ago.  Start asking questions as capabilities of robotics are growing and your next need may be more attainable than ever.

Industrial Production

Industrial production rose 0.4 percent in March but declined at an annual rate of 1.8 percent in the first quarter. Manufacturing output increased 0.5 percent in March, boosted in part by a gain of 3.1 percent in motor vehicles and parts; factory output excluding motor vehicles and parts moved up 0.3 percent.  The indexes for durable manufacturing and nondurable manufacturing moved up 0.3 percent and 0.7 percent in March, respectively. Industrial Production remains unchanged compared to year earlier level at 102.7 percent of its 2017 average.

Capacity Utilization

Capacity utilization (broad industry) moved up to 78.4 percent in March, a rate that is 1.2 percentage points below its long-run (1972–2023) average. Capacity utilization for manufacturing moved up 0.3 percentage point in March to 77.4 percent, a rate that is 0.8 percentage point below its long-run average.



Our take: The March Data for industrial production as a whole and for manufacturing, both Durable and Nondurables, continued to show positive trend. We look forward to our next PMPA Business Trends Report to confirm that our shops are participating in this positivity.


As deepfakes become more mainstream the threat to business is becoming greater.    The technology is now being used by bad actors to pose as real companies.  Our take, A PMPA member company has recently a received false quote request from a legitimate buyer at a legitimate company.  The request included prints, specifications, and quantity details.  It was a fake request from a hacked account and got caught early.  Be on the lookout for bad actors sending you false requests.

Machine Tool Orders

US machine tool orders increase 2.1% over January. Orders are down 16.9% YTD over 2023.  With contract manufacturers, the largest purchaser of machine tools, reducing new orders.  Our take, there has been a lot of purchases of new machine tools in the last few years.  Higher interest rates are most likely weighing on new purchases as well as economic uncertainty.


National Technical Conference 2024

PODCAST – Deep Dive on Delegation

CRIBSHEET – PMPA Speaking of Precision Podcasts: Leadership


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

April 12, 2024

NFIB Small Business Optimism Index

The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index in the US fell for a third consecutive month to 88.5 in March 2024, the lowest since December 2012 and well below forecasts of 90.2. Our take, NFIB continues to highlight employment problems with 37 percent of companies reporting unfilled job openings. Almost half 48% reported few or no qualified applicants. Finally, 38 percent of companies reported they plan to raise compensation to find qualified applicants.

D-link Devices

A researcher has found that over 92,000 D-link devices have a backdoor account.  This is a new command injection and hardcoded backdoor flaw for multiple end-of-life D-link Network Attached Storage Devices or NAS.  Our take, if you use D-link devices you need to check the device list provided in the link.  There are currently no patches available to fix the vulnerability.

Manufacturing Job Openings

The number of job openings changed little at 8.8 million on the last business day of February, the U.S.

Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the month, the number of hires and total separations

were little changed at 5.8 million and 5.6 million, respectively.

For manufacturing, Openings in February were 583,000, down 13,000 from January 2023, and down 91,000 from February 2023. Job openings for Durable goods manufacturing were 361,000 in February 2024, up 13,000 from January 2024.


Our take:  Little change, overall, but Durable Goods manufacturing, Our industry showed a 13,000, or 3.7 percent increase over January. We’ll take it.

Factory Orders and Shipments

New orders for manufactured goods in February, up following two consecutive monthly decreases, increased $8.2 billion or 1.4 percent to $576.8 billion, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This followed a 3.8 percent January decrease.

New orders for durable goods manufacturing were up $3.517 Billion or 1.3 percent to $277.7 after declining 6.9 percent in January.

New orders for fabricated metal products manufacturing were up $272 million  or 0.8 percent over January 2024.

Our take: New Orders reversed their downward two month trend, turning to the positive, aligning with our Sentiment indicators in February Business Trends Report. With new orders for all manufacturing up 1.0 percent, durable goods manufacturing up 1.8 percent, and fabricated metals up 5.6 percent Our shops are outperforming.


Shipments of manufactured goods, also up following two consecutive monthly decreases, increased $8.0 billion or 1.4 percent to $581.6 billion in February 2024.  This followed a 0.8 percent January decrease. 

Shipments of manufactured durable goods increased 1.2 percent in February to $282.6 billion, a dramatic reversal from the December to January decline of 0.7 percent.

Shipments of manufactured Fabricated metals increased 0.5 percent to 36.4 billion, following the prior months 1.3 percent decrease.


Our take: Shipments are not as positive as new orders- but give us a measure of just how much more busy our shops will be in the months ahead.

Summary release link:

PMPA ListServe Community Topics

Technical : AWWA CC Thread

Technical : Millipore testing

Corporate : Clean room- lessons learned, and  those best avoided.

Corporate : FW: Monthly Manufacturing Policy Slide Deck – April 2024

National Technical Conference 2024

PODCAST – PMPA’s National Technical Conference 2024 – Collaborating For a Better Future

OSHA: Latest Updates (NTC 2023)


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

April 5, 2024

3D Printed Jet

A couple of stories that are not financial in nature.

A 3d printed jet engine was just test fired for the first time.  The engine boasts 90% part consolidation when compared to traditional engine designs. The company went from design to finished engine in 16 months.  Our take, this is an incredible achievement in rapid development.  A process that could normally take decades has been shrunk to mere months.  Our shops need to be nimble and flexible enough to prepare for opportunities that may arise from rapid development.

Open Sourced AI

Companies are having disagreements over what open source AI really is.  Traditionally open sourced software had source code published.  Anyone could modify the code and republish as long as the project remained open.  AI companies limit access to their models for certain purposes.  Most AI companies do not openly publish code. Our take, open source has become a buzzword for AI.  Although there are very few projects that follow open source principles. The majority of AI projects can be called “open use” because of the nature of their accessibility.  OSI (Open Source Initiative) is looking to change that by creating a framework for determining if AI’s are truly open source.

Manufacturing Job Openings

The number of job openings changed little at 8.8 million on the last business day of February, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the month, the number of hires and total separations were little changed at 5.8 million and 5.6 million, respectively.
For manufacturing, Openings in February were 583,000, down 13,000 from January 2023, and down 91,000 from February 2023. Job openings for Durable goods manufacturing were 361,000 in February 2024, up 13,000 from January 2024.


Our take:  Little change, overall, but Durable Goods manufacturing, Our industry showed a 13,000, or 3.7 percent increase over January. We’ll take it

Factory Orders and Shipments

New orders for manufactured goods in February, up following two consecutive monthly decreases, increased $8.2 billion or 1.4 percent to $576.8 billion, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This followed a 3.8 percent January decrease. New orders for durable goods manufacturing were up $3.517 Billion or 1.3 percent to $277.7 after declining 6.9 percent in January. New orders for fabricated metal products manufacturing were up $272 million  or 0.8 percent over January 2024.

Our take: New Orders reversed their downward two month trend, turning to the positive, aligning with our Sentiment indicators in February Business Trends Report. With new orders for all manufacturing up 1.0 percent, durable goods manufacturing up 1.8 percent, and fabricated metals up 5.6 percent Our shops are outperforming.


Shipments of manufactured goods, also up following two consecutive monthly decreases, increased $8.0 billion or 1.4 percent to $581.6 billion in February 2024.  This followed a 0.8 percent January decrease. Shipments of manufactured durable goods increased 1.2 percent in February to $282.6 billion, a dramatic reversal from the December to January decline of 0.7 percent. Shipments of manufactured Fabricated metals increased 0.5 percent to 36.4 billion, following the prior months 1.3 percent decrease.


Our take: Shipments are not as positive as new orders- but give us a measure of just how much more busy our shops will be in the months ahead.

Summary release link:


PMPA ListServe Community Topics

Technical : Induction Hardening Vendor

Technical : DFARS Compliance

Technical : Assistance with New Britain repair & troubleshooting

Technical : Machining Tantalum

Technical : Fusion 360 for CNC

HR : ITAR US Person Compliance Best Practices

National Technical Conference 2024

PODCAST – Custom Tooling

CRIBSHEET – No. 126: AISI System of Identification


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts.

March 29, 2024

Durable Goods

Durable Goods Surprising Positivity in February

The advance report on durable goods was issued by the US Census, and it was a positive report.

New Orders

New orders for manufactured durable goods in February increased $3.7 billion or 1.4 percent to $277.9 billion, reversing the two prior months decline. Excluding Transportation, New orders increased 0.5 percent. Excluding Defense, New orders increased 2.2 percent. Transportation equipment led the increase up $2.9 billion or 3.3 percent.


Shipments of manufactured durable goods in February, increased $3.5 billion or 1.2 percent to $282.7 billion, dwarfing the  0.8 percent January decrease.  Transportation equipment led the increase, increasing  $3.4 billion or 4.0 percent to $89.8 billion.

Our take: The data speaks, and what we hear is that Transportation, a leading market for our shops, is reviving demand for component parts. This aligns well with the positive outlook from PMPA’s January Business Trends Report sentiment indicators.



The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO-1) report will be open for submission starting April 30, 2024. This report is an annual requirement for employers with over 100 employees and is submitted to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The deadline set by the commission for submission is June 4, 2024. It’s crucial to determine if you are required to file. If you have any questions, the online Filer Support Message Center will be available on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, to provide assistance regarding the 2023 collection.

Present Situation

For March 2024, The Conference board reported that the Present Situation Index- which reports on current conditions- increased 3.4 points from 147.6 to 151.0. This is a positive development. However, the Expectations Index, A short term look at income, business, and labor market expectations fell 2.5 points  to 73.8. readings below 80 are said to possibly signal a recession.

Our take: We’ll take the upside on the mixed signals in this report. The data is clear that consumers  note that their situations have improved in March. As for the expectation of possible recession, the most anticipated recession in my lifetime continues to stand up all of its forecasters. We’ll take the data like Durable goods that show us how the spending is trending positively in the economy.


PMPA ListServe Community Topics

Technical : 6062-T6 Aluminum Source

Technical : Type III Cl 3 Hard Coat Anodize, black, Teflon

Technical : ERP Software

Technical : Quick test to determine 1215 from 12L14

Technical : LNS Tryton 112 Compatibility

RE: Technical : Turning Monel K500

Technical : Assistance with New Britain repair & troubleshooting

[PMPA Material & Equipment Exch] ITEM FOR SALE: 5/8″ Round 304L x 14ft

[PMPA Material & Equipment Exch] ITEM FOR SALE: Keyence Controller IM-6601E / Head IM-6120

[PMPA Material & Equipment Exch] ITEM FOR SALE: ACME GRIDLEY, MODEL 4” RB-8

CEO : Aluminum Extrusions- New Determinations from US Department of Commerce

CEO : FW: Monthly Workforce Grants/Incentives Tracking Matrix

Corporate : Aluminum Extrusions- New Determinations from US Department of Commerce

Corporate : Cryogenic Deburring of Plastic

HR : FW: Monthly Workforce Grants/Incentives Tracking Matrix

National Technical Conference 2024

PODCAST – Contract Review

The Point of the Tool Seldom Cuts


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts.

March 22, 2024

Cutting Tool Orders

Cutting tool orders came in at 204.5 million in January 2024.  Orders were up 4.1% when compared with a year earlier and up 9.1% over December 2023. Our take, cutting tools had a nice finish last year.  Cutting tool orders 12 month moving average is riding consistently above durable goods orders.  The divergence started back in December of 2022 which correlates well with our business trends reports showing that we are outperforming broader industry.

Machine Tool Orders

January 2024 machine tool orders down 31% when compared to December 2023.  Our take, the headline doesn’t tell the whole story.  Purchases in December are always elevated as shops take advantage of end of year tax savings.  Orders are only down 3.9% over January 2023 which was almost 17% above an average January. We are also coming of a December 2023 number that grew 12.6% over December 2022.

The Corporate Transparency Act

PMPA joins 125 National Associations Requesting Delay in CTA Implementation

The Corporate Transparency Act which specifically targets small businesses  subjects covered entities and their “beneficial owners” to vague and complex reporting requirements while putting their sensitive personal information at risk.  This was recently challenged in the courts. Bills to delay enforcement have been introduced in the Senate,  S. 3625, the Protect Small Business and Prevent Illicit Financial Activity Act and the House. The House Bill (H.R. 5119), was adopted by the House of Representatives on a bipartisan vote of 420-1 on December 12, 2023. PMPA joined 125 other national associations in a letter  calling for the Senate to delay the implementation of the CTA as it winds its way through the court challenges. Failure to comply with CTA requirements are felony violations, so this is critical. PMPA will keep you posted as this issue continues to develop.


Our Take: Beneficial owners can be any non equity owning employee that has the authority to make business decisions. The CTA requires submission personal identification for these employees on a government website. It is important to get the legality of this new rule squared away before  charging small business job creators with felony paperwork violations.

PMPA ListServe Community Topics

Technical : Induction Hardening Vendor

Technical : DFARS Compliance

Technical : Assistance with New Britain repair & troubleshooting

Technical : Machining Tantalum

Technical : Fusion 360 for CNC

HR : ITAR US Person Compliance Best Practices

National Technical Conference 2024


Demand Drives May 2012 Precision Machining Industry Sales


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

June 21, 2024

Industrial Production

Manufacturing led the surge in Industrial Production for May 2024 , with an increase of 0.9 percent for both Manufacturing and the headline industrial production number.

Industrial production had declined in the prior two months. Compared to the year earlier level, Industrial production in May of 2024 was 0.4 percent higher, according to the Federal Reserve.

Seasonally adjusted gross value of Durable Goods for May was $565.6 Billion; up $8.9 billion from April. Automotive Products were $409.8 billion in May,  up $5.9 billion over April.


Our take: PMPA’s Monthly Business Trends Report has been solidly positive all year, and this May Industrial Production report validates our continued optimism, despite higher borrowing costs and other factors.



NY Mfg Index

The NY Empire State Manufacturing Index rose from -15.6 in May to -6 in June 2024 better than expected. It is the highest reading in four months, although it still pointing to a slight decline in manufacturing activity in the New York State. New orders held steady, while shipments inched higher. Delivery times shortened somewhat, and supply availability remained about the same.  Our take, the index has moved a long way from the lows of -43.7 in January 2024 which was the lowest reading since COVID.   It seems negative sentiment coming into 2024 weighed heavy on this indicator and the reality is it is not proving out.

Cutting Tool Orders

US cutting tool orders year to date rose just under 5% over 2023.  April was 1.1% higher than in March and just above February making April the highest reading the index since August of 2023. Orders were 214.7 million in April pushing the 3-month moving average well above the 12 month trendline.  Our take, this is good news in both that we are still seeing growth in the cutting tool market but also that the increases are more along the trendline.  Wild upswings were from increased prices not growth.


Machine Tool Orders

US machine tool orders totaled 317.9 million in April 2024.  Decreasing 25.6% from March 2024 but only 5.4% behind April 2023.  Year to date orders are lagging 2023 by 16.2%.  Currently the West and Southeast regions are leading the charge with 30% and 15.4% growth over April 2023.  Our take, machine tool orders tend to move in cycles.  Coming off the historically large purchases in 2021 though 2022 a pull back is expected.  April 2024 is running 12 month average.


Weekly Tip…



PODCAST – Ten Important Things to Know Before Working as a CNC Machinist

PODCAST – 2024 PMPA National Technical Conference Wrap Up

30 Potential Causes of Part Length Variation On Screw Machine Parts


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

June 7, 2024

Job Openings

The number of job openings declined by 296,000 from the previous month to 8.059 million in April 2024, the lowest level since February 2021 and missing the market consensus of 8.34 million. Our take, a miss for the market but a good sign that the competition for employees is getting less fierce.  Job openings are good for the economy, but having too many can cause price inflation. Cooling in this area will go a long way to brining prices under control.


According to PR Newswire the ISM PMI came in at 48.7 missing analysist expectations of 49.6.  A decline for new orders, inventories, and backlog of orders. Production slowed from 51.3 to 50.2.  Our take, the ISM has been bouncing around this area for since October of 2022.  The recent trend over the last year is in the upward direction but in a slow rising trend line.

Cell Phone Security

Cybersecurity Best Practices for Our Phones- From NSA
Cybersecurity isn’t just about CMMC and server security. NSA has developed a list of mobile device best practices and the powering down once each week tops the list.

NSA Mobile Device Best Practices list

While rebooting your phone will not stop every attack, according to NSA’s Neal Zheng, Quoted in PC Magazine “”since a lot of modern cyberattacks are [a] chain of two, three, or even more vulnerabilities in a row that have to be successfully exploited…you can reset the adversary back to the beginning of that chain and force them to go through the whole thing again” by rebooting your device.”

PC magazine article


PODCAST – Factors That Control The Change in Microstructures in Metals

What’s The Buzz (NTC 2024)

CRIBSHEET – Why Do We Say Tenths Instead of Ten Thousandths


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

May 17, 2024

Core CPI

The Core CPI increased 0.3 percent in April in line with expectations, after rising 0.4 percent in March. Year over year the index increased 3.4 percent before seasonal adjustment. Our take, the month over month change has slowed to the lowest level since December 2023.  The current .3 percent is still a 3.6 percent annual increase which is well above the targeted 2 percent. It will remain difficult for the Fed to decrease rates as CPI remains stubbornly high.

Core PPI

Core PPI rose .5 percent in April well above the expected .2 percent. The March reading was revised downward from .2 percent to a decline of .1 percent.  Year over year Core PPI increased 2.4 percent the largest increase since August of 2023. Our take, prices are remaining elevated, and it appears PPI is moving in the wrong direction. A downward revision from March helps current numbers average out with expectations, but the year over year number is a concerning indicator that prices are still moving up despite increased interest rates.

Machine Tool Orders

Orders for machine tools increased by 25 percent in March over February 2024.  Orders for machine tools year to date are down 21.3 percent over 2023. Orders from contract machine shop increased to highest level in 12 months. Our take, machine tool orders are lagging 2023 but we are starting to see growth again.  Orders for contract shops increasing falls in line with our business trends showing shops have elevated expectations of sales and profitability over the next 3 months.


Consumer Sentiment

According to the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, (USBEA) first quarter 2024  Personal consumption expenditures represented nearly 68% of US GDP.

So the latest (preliminary)  University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Survey  presents us with a warning. Consumer sentiment dropped 13% to a six-month low in May 2024, a significant 10-point decline after several consecutive months of stability. Compared to the prior month this was a drop of -12.7 percent;  this is the lowest reading in  six months. This downturn reflects widespread concerns across various demographics about rising inflation, unemployment and interest rates. Year ahead inflation expectations rose from 3.2 percent last month to 3.5 percent in May, remaining above the 2.3-3.0 percent range prior to the pandemic.

Link Consumer sentiment:

Link Consumer spending as percentage of GDP (authors calculations from Table 3):


Our take: The role of the consumer as the ultimate foundation of economic activity makes this survey an important resource for anticipating business conditions going forward. This is not a call to alarm, but a sign that consuimers just might be finally seeing what the folks in the media have been trying to tell them with all of the negative headlines.


PODCAST – Sales Is Not a Sprint It’s a Marathon

PMPA’s NTC 2024 Wrap Up

.40 Carbon Steel Brinell Hardness vs. Tempering Temperature


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

May 10, 2024

Factory Orders, Shipments & Inventories

The monthly full report for New orders for manufactured goods in March, up two consecutive months, increased $9.1 billion or 1.6 percent to $584.5 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau reported. This followed a 1.2 percent February increase. Shipments, also up two consecutive months, increased $1.5 billion or 0.3 percent to $583.3 billion. This followed a 1.4 percent February increase. Inventories, up two consecutive months, increased $0.4 billion or virtually unchanged to $857.7 billion. This followed a 0.2 percent February increase.

Our take: If this is an economic slowdown, we’re a fan. New orders up is a leading indicator, Shipments up is a coincident indicator, and inventories remaining level tell us no need to panic about a slowdown suddenly appearing.



World Steel Production

In March world steel production 161.2 million tons was down 4.3 percent from a year earlier.  China was down 7.8 percent with the rest of the world rising .6 percent. Our take,  China being the largest producer of steel pulled the index down.  Europe outside of the EU has seen a 20.5% increase in production this year. The United States production was flat in March and is currently down about 1.6 percent for the year.

Monthly U.S International Trade in Goods & Services

The U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis announced today that the goods and services deficit was $69.4 billion in March, down $0.1 billion from $69.5 billion in February, revised.

March exports were $257.6 billion, $5.3 billion less than February exports. March imports were $327.0 billion, $5.4 billion less than February imports.

Capital Goods Imports (Census Basis, seasonally adjusted)in  March were $75.7 billion were the highest on record.

March imports of other goods ($10.4 billion) were the lowest since December 2022 ($10.0 billion).

The March deficit with Mexico ($14.7 billion) was the highest on record.
Our Take: We believe that the correct reading of the facts  for the goods and services deficit is “essentially unchanged.” We cannot decry the imports from Mexic being highest on record when we are trying as a matter of national security policy to decouple from China. Policy actions have consequences. Consequences inevitably show up in the data.


Microsoft Windows Server

A recent update to Microsoft‘s Windows Server can cause process crashes forcing the domain controller to reboot.  This happens when the local security authority subsystem service crashes forcing the reboot. Our take, Microsoft is working on fixes for the problem. The April updates were critical security updates but if you are possibly vulnerable to the reboot issue in mission critical applications you might want to wait until the fixes are complete.

3D Printed Lathe

YouTuber Chris Borge has created a 3d printed lathe.  The spindle is based around an ER Collet chuck and the bed is made from 80/20 channels. Our take, this is a cool use of 3d printing technology.  A conversation starter that we thought would get you thinking.


PODCAST – 7 Little Known Regulations

STATE OF MANUFACTURING – Maine Manufacturing


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

May 3, 2024


According to PR news the ISM Manufacturing PMI fell to 49.2 in April of 2024 from 50.3 in the earlier month, below market expectations. The number puts PMI back into a contractionary indicator failing to capitalize on the expansion indicated in March which was the first expansion in 16 months.  Our take, PMI has been moving in the right direction but has a been a fickle indicator since September of last year bouncing from near expansion to contraction which is drawn as a sideways move.   This indicates more uncertainty of the future but does not give us a solid trend to analyze. Although, the last 12 months do move in a slight upward trend.  

Manufacturing PMI® at 49.2%; April 2024 Manufacturing ISM® Report On Business® (

EPA Methylene Chloride Final Rule

We have not found the federal register notice, but we have seen an official press release announcement of the Banning of Methylene Chloride under TSCA. Methylene Chloride is used In shod=s for Parts cleaning, Degreasing as well as a component of many maintenance spray products and gasket removing products.

“Today, April 30, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finalized a ban on most uses of methylene chloride… EPA’s final action, also known as a risk management rule under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), requires companies to rapidly phase down manufacturing , processing, and distribution of methylene chloride for all consumer uses and most industrial and commercial uses, including its use in home renovations. Consumer use will be phased out within a year, and most industrial and commercial uses will be prohibited within two years.”

For more information contact Miles Free, Director of Industry Affairs at PMPA

Soo Locks

The Soo Locks provide critical trade infrastructure between Lake Superior and the lower great lakes.  A critical component of those locks was failing after 60 years of service and the lead time for new castings was about 18 months.  With a tight lead time the Army Core of Engineers was able to get the project done in 12 weeks using wire arc manufacturing, an additive process. Our take, it is time for us to open our perspective up to understand where additive can be a complement to our business infrastructure.   Long lead times for castings and forgings can force us to look for alternatives.  Additive manufacturing can be a good end solution or a gap solution until near net shapes are available. 

USACE 3D Prints Largest-Ever Civil Works Component for Soo Locks – 3Dnatives

Job Openings

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ,  the number of U.S. job openings in manufacturing decreased in March. The number of job openings in the larger economy decreased slightly from 8.8 to  approximately 8.5 million.

  • There were 570,000 open positions in the U.S. manufacturing industry in March, down from an adjusted 587,000 in February.
  • Open positions in durable goods manufacturing also declined, to 353,000 in March from an adjusted 379,000 in February.

Hires and quits: Hiring in the manufacturing sector remained level, with  323,000 in March (slightly down from February’s 324,000).

A Little Cyber in Your Day

The United Health attack was implemented using the Citrix Bug.  Hackers gain access by lacing webshells on vulnerable NetScalers to gain access.  Installing the backdoors gives access to sensitive data and the ability launch further attacks. Our take, if you have not already insured your Citrix systems are up to date please double check all updates are complete.  Also enable multi-factor authentication as it would have helped stop this type of attack.   This attack specifically targets the NetScaler instances.  

UnitedHealth hackers used stolen Citrix credentials, CEO says | Cybernews



PODCAST – Who is Your Best Trainer?

ARTICLE – Sales Is Not A Sprint, It’s A Marathon


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

April 19, 2024


Robotics is on the brink of new breakthroughs as technology is getting cheaper.  The components to build and utilize robotics are more prevalent in the marketplace.  AI is making robotics easier to use and more capable.  Simulation technology is allowing robots to learn tasks virtually tackling it in the real world. Our take, Technology is allowing automation to do tasks that were only a dream five years ago.  Start asking questions as capabilities of robotics are growing and your next need may be more attainable than ever.

Industrial Production

Industrial production rose 0.4 percent in March but declined at an annual rate of 1.8 percent in the first quarter. Manufacturing output increased 0.5 percent in March, boosted in part by a gain of 3.1 percent in motor vehicles and parts; factory output excluding motor vehicles and parts moved up 0.3 percent.  The indexes for durable manufacturing and nondurable manufacturing moved up 0.3 percent and 0.7 percent in March, respectively. Industrial Production remains unchanged compared to year earlier level at 102.7 percent of its 2017 average.

Capacity Utilization

Capacity utilization (broad industry) moved up to 78.4 percent in March, a rate that is 1.2 percentage points below its long-run (1972–2023) average. Capacity utilization for manufacturing moved up 0.3 percentage point in March to 77.4 percent, a rate that is 0.8 percentage point below its long-run average.



Our take: The March Data for industrial production as a whole and for manufacturing, both Durable and Nondurables, continued to show positive trend. We look forward to our next PMPA Business Trends Report to confirm that our shops are participating in this positivity.


As deepfakes become more mainstream the threat to business is becoming greater.    The technology is now being used by bad actors to pose as real companies.  Our take, A PMPA member company has recently a received false quote request from a legitimate buyer at a legitimate company.  The request included prints, specifications, and quantity details.  It was a fake request from a hacked account and got caught early.  Be on the lookout for bad actors sending you false requests.

Machine Tool Orders

US machine tool orders increase 2.1% over January. Orders are down 16.9% YTD over 2023.  With contract manufacturers, the largest purchaser of machine tools, reducing new orders.  Our take, there has been a lot of purchases of new machine tools in the last few years.  Higher interest rates are most likely weighing on new purchases as well as economic uncertainty.


National Technical Conference 2024

PODCAST – Deep Dive on Delegation

CRIBSHEET – PMPA Speaking of Precision Podcasts: Leadership


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

April 12, 2024

NFIB Small Business Optimism Index

The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index in the US fell for a third consecutive month to 88.5 in March 2024, the lowest since December 2012 and well below forecasts of 90.2. Our take, NFIB continues to highlight employment problems with 37 percent of companies reporting unfilled job openings. Almost half 48% reported few or no qualified applicants. Finally, 38 percent of companies reported they plan to raise compensation to find qualified applicants.

D-link Devices

A researcher has found that over 92,000 D-link devices have a backdoor account.  This is a new command injection and hardcoded backdoor flaw for multiple end-of-life D-link Network Attached Storage Devices or NAS.  Our take, if you use D-link devices you need to check the device list provided in the link.  There are currently no patches available to fix the vulnerability.

Manufacturing Job Openings

The number of job openings changed little at 8.8 million on the last business day of February, the U.S.

Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the month, the number of hires and total separations

were little changed at 5.8 million and 5.6 million, respectively.

For manufacturing, Openings in February were 583,000, down 13,000 from January 2023, and down 91,000 from February 2023. Job openings for Durable goods manufacturing were 361,000 in February 2024, up 13,000 from January 2024.


Our take:  Little change, overall, but Durable Goods manufacturing, Our industry showed a 13,000, or 3.7 percent increase over January. We’ll take it.

Factory Orders and Shipments

New orders for manufactured goods in February, up following two consecutive monthly decreases, increased $8.2 billion or 1.4 percent to $576.8 billion, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This followed a 3.8 percent January decrease.

New orders for durable goods manufacturing were up $3.517 Billion or 1.3 percent to $277.7 after declining 6.9 percent in January.

New orders for fabricated metal products manufacturing were up $272 million  or 0.8 percent over January 2024.

Our take: New Orders reversed their downward two month trend, turning to the positive, aligning with our Sentiment indicators in February Business Trends Report. With new orders for all manufacturing up 1.0 percent, durable goods manufacturing up 1.8 percent, and fabricated metals up 5.6 percent Our shops are outperforming.


Shipments of manufactured goods, also up following two consecutive monthly decreases, increased $8.0 billion or 1.4 percent to $581.6 billion in February 2024.  This followed a 0.8 percent January decrease. 

Shipments of manufactured durable goods increased 1.2 percent in February to $282.6 billion, a dramatic reversal from the December to January decline of 0.7 percent.

Shipments of manufactured Fabricated metals increased 0.5 percent to 36.4 billion, following the prior months 1.3 percent decrease.


Our take: Shipments are not as positive as new orders- but give us a measure of just how much more busy our shops will be in the months ahead.

Summary release link:

PMPA ListServe Community Topics

Technical : AWWA CC Thread

Technical : Millipore testing

Corporate : Clean room- lessons learned, and  those best avoided.

Corporate : FW: Monthly Manufacturing Policy Slide Deck – April 2024

National Technical Conference 2024

PODCAST – PMPA’s National Technical Conference 2024 – Collaborating For a Better Future

OSHA: Latest Updates (NTC 2023)


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

April 5, 2024

3D Printed Jet

A couple of stories that are not financial in nature.

A 3d printed jet engine was just test fired for the first time.  The engine boasts 90% part consolidation when compared to traditional engine designs. The company went from design to finished engine in 16 months.  Our take, this is an incredible achievement in rapid development.  A process that could normally take decades has been shrunk to mere months.  Our shops need to be nimble and flexible enough to prepare for opportunities that may arise from rapid development.

Open Sourced AI

Companies are having disagreements over what open source AI really is.  Traditionally open sourced software had source code published.  Anyone could modify the code and republish as long as the project remained open.  AI companies limit access to their models for certain purposes.  Most AI companies do not openly publish code. Our take, open source has become a buzzword for AI.  Although there are very few projects that follow open source principles. The majority of AI projects can be called “open use” because of the nature of their accessibility.  OSI (Open Source Initiative) is looking to change that by creating a framework for determining if AI’s are truly open source.

Manufacturing Job Openings

The number of job openings changed little at 8.8 million on the last business day of February, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the month, the number of hires and total separations were little changed at 5.8 million and 5.6 million, respectively.
For manufacturing, Openings in February were 583,000, down 13,000 from January 2023, and down 91,000 from February 2023. Job openings for Durable goods manufacturing were 361,000 in February 2024, up 13,000 from January 2024.


Our take:  Little change, overall, but Durable Goods manufacturing, Our industry showed a 13,000, or 3.7 percent increase over January. We’ll take it

Factory Orders and Shipments

New orders for manufactured goods in February, up following two consecutive monthly decreases, increased $8.2 billion or 1.4 percent to $576.8 billion, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This followed a 3.8 percent January decrease. New orders for durable goods manufacturing were up $3.517 Billion or 1.3 percent to $277.7 after declining 6.9 percent in January. New orders for fabricated metal products manufacturing were up $272 million  or 0.8 percent over January 2024.

Our take: New Orders reversed their downward two month trend, turning to the positive, aligning with our Sentiment indicators in February Business Trends Report. With new orders for all manufacturing up 1.0 percent, durable goods manufacturing up 1.8 percent, and fabricated metals up 5.6 percent Our shops are outperforming.


Shipments of manufactured goods, also up following two consecutive monthly decreases, increased $8.0 billion or 1.4 percent to $581.6 billion in February 2024.  This followed a 0.8 percent January decrease. Shipments of manufactured durable goods increased 1.2 percent in February to $282.6 billion, a dramatic reversal from the December to January decline of 0.7 percent. Shipments of manufactured Fabricated metals increased 0.5 percent to 36.4 billion, following the prior months 1.3 percent decrease.


Our take: Shipments are not as positive as new orders- but give us a measure of just how much more busy our shops will be in the months ahead.

Summary release link:


PMPA ListServe Community Topics

Technical : Induction Hardening Vendor

Technical : DFARS Compliance

Technical : Assistance with New Britain repair & troubleshooting

Technical : Machining Tantalum

Technical : Fusion 360 for CNC

HR : ITAR US Person Compliance Best Practices

National Technical Conference 2024

PODCAST – Custom Tooling

CRIBSHEET – No. 126: AISI System of Identification


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts.

March 29, 2024

Durable Goods

Durable Goods Surprising Positivity in February

The advance report on durable goods was issued by the US Census, and it was a positive report.

New Orders

New orders for manufactured durable goods in February increased $3.7 billion or 1.4 percent to $277.9 billion, reversing the two prior months decline. Excluding Transportation, New orders increased 0.5 percent. Excluding Defense, New orders increased 2.2 percent. Transportation equipment led the increase up $2.9 billion or 3.3 percent.


Shipments of manufactured durable goods in February, increased $3.5 billion or 1.2 percent to $282.7 billion, dwarfing the  0.8 percent January decrease.  Transportation equipment led the increase, increasing  $3.4 billion or 4.0 percent to $89.8 billion.

Our take: The data speaks, and what we hear is that Transportation, a leading market for our shops, is reviving demand for component parts. This aligns well with the positive outlook from PMPA’s January Business Trends Report sentiment indicators.



The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO-1) report will be open for submission starting April 30, 2024. This report is an annual requirement for employers with over 100 employees and is submitted to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The deadline set by the commission for submission is June 4, 2024. It’s crucial to determine if you are required to file. If you have any questions, the online Filer Support Message Center will be available on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, to provide assistance regarding the 2023 collection.

Present Situation

For March 2024, The Conference board reported that the Present Situation Index- which reports on current conditions- increased 3.4 points from 147.6 to 151.0. This is a positive development. However, the Expectations Index, A short term look at income, business, and labor market expectations fell 2.5 points  to 73.8. readings below 80 are said to possibly signal a recession.

Our take: We’ll take the upside on the mixed signals in this report. The data is clear that consumers  note that their situations have improved in March. As for the expectation of possible recession, the most anticipated recession in my lifetime continues to stand up all of its forecasters. We’ll take the data like Durable goods that show us how the spending is trending positively in the economy.


PMPA ListServe Community Topics

Technical : 6062-T6 Aluminum Source

Technical : Type III Cl 3 Hard Coat Anodize, black, Teflon

Technical : ERP Software

Technical : Quick test to determine 1215 from 12L14

Technical : LNS Tryton 112 Compatibility

RE: Technical : Turning Monel K500

Technical : Assistance with New Britain repair & troubleshooting

[PMPA Material & Equipment Exch] ITEM FOR SALE: 5/8″ Round 304L x 14ft

[PMPA Material & Equipment Exch] ITEM FOR SALE: Keyence Controller IM-6601E / Head IM-6120

[PMPA Material & Equipment Exch] ITEM FOR SALE: ACME GRIDLEY, MODEL 4” RB-8

CEO : Aluminum Extrusions- New Determinations from US Department of Commerce

CEO : FW: Monthly Workforce Grants/Incentives Tracking Matrix

Corporate : Aluminum Extrusions- New Determinations from US Department of Commerce

Corporate : Cryogenic Deburring of Plastic

HR : FW: Monthly Workforce Grants/Incentives Tracking Matrix

National Technical Conference 2024

PODCAST – Contract Review

The Point of the Tool Seldom Cuts


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts.

March 22, 2024

Cutting Tool Orders

Cutting tool orders came in at 204.5 million in January 2024.  Orders were up 4.1% when compared with a year earlier and up 9.1% over December 2023. Our take, cutting tools had a nice finish last year.  Cutting tool orders 12 month moving average is riding consistently above durable goods orders.  The divergence started back in December of 2022 which correlates well with our business trends reports showing that we are outperforming broader industry.

Machine Tool Orders

January 2024 machine tool orders down 31% when compared to December 2023.  Our take, the headline doesn’t tell the whole story.  Purchases in December are always elevated as shops take advantage of end of year tax savings.  Orders are only down 3.9% over January 2023 which was almost 17% above an average January. We are also coming of a December 2023 number that grew 12.6% over December 2022.

The Corporate Transparency Act

PMPA joins 125 National Associations Requesting Delay in CTA Implementation

The Corporate Transparency Act which specifically targets small businesses  subjects covered entities and their “beneficial owners” to vague and complex reporting requirements while putting their sensitive personal information at risk.  This was recently challenged in the courts. Bills to delay enforcement have been introduced in the Senate,  S. 3625, the Protect Small Business and Prevent Illicit Financial Activity Act and the House. The House Bill (H.R. 5119), was adopted by the House of Representatives on a bipartisan vote of 420-1 on December 12, 2023. PMPA joined 125 other national associations in a letter  calling for the Senate to delay the implementation of the CTA as it winds its way through the court challenges. Failure to comply with CTA requirements are felony violations, so this is critical. PMPA will keep you posted as this issue continues to develop.


Our Take: Beneficial owners can be any non equity owning employee that has the authority to make business decisions. The CTA requires submission personal identification for these employees on a government website. It is important to get the legality of this new rule squared away before  charging small business job creators with felony paperwork violations.

PMPA ListServe Community Topics

Technical : Induction Hardening Vendor

Technical : DFARS Compliance

Technical : Assistance with New Britain repair & troubleshooting

Technical : Machining Tantalum

Technical : Fusion 360 for CNC

HR : ITAR US Person Compliance Best Practices

National Technical Conference 2024


Demand Drives May 2012 Precision Machining Industry Sales


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

March 15, 2024


CPI Increased .4 percent in February over the previous month which met expectations.  Year over year CPI rose 3.2 percent.   Our take, this is the highest month over month number since August of 2023.   Even though the annual increase has settled around the 3 percent range we still have a way to go to get to the target of 2 percent if the month over month numbers remain stubbornly high.

NFIB Optimism Index

Small Business Sentiment, measured by The National Federation of Small Business fell in February, according to their report published March 12, 2024.

The optimism index fell to 89.4, its 26th straight month below its 50-year average of 98, and its lowest level since May 2023.

The big news in this report was  higher prices and interest costs replacing labor quality as the top concern of respondents. Labor quality as the single most important issue fell 5 points to 16 percent, its lowest level since April 2020, during the onset of the COVID-19 Response. Twenty-three percent of small business owners reported inflation as their most important problem, according to the report.

Our take: Small business owners continue to be pessimistic about prospects, based on decaying indicators from Government and Private agencies. In this report, NFIB determined that nearly 39 percent of randomly selected respondents expect economic conditions to further decline. Remember that these indicators are subordinate to actual bookings, and sales data, but keep them in mind, if only to see how advantaged your shop is con=mpared to the broader manufacturing sector. PMPA’s last Monthly Business Trends Index remains positive.


New Orders

New Orders for manufactured durable goods in January were down three of the last four months and decreased 6.1 percent. Shipments of manufactured durable goods in January were down four of the last five months and decreased 0.9 percent which followed a 0.6 percent December decrease. Transportation led the declines in both cases. Our Take? PMPA’s Business Trends report for January 2024 increased 2.8 percent in January, despite our workproduct largely consumed by Durable Goods markets. We believe that our index leads Durable goods- without our components, they can not ship.

NFIB Small Business Optimism Falls in February

Small Business Sentiment, measured by The National Federation of Small Business fell in February, according to their report published March 12, 2024.

The optimism index fell to 89.4, its 26th straight month below its 50-year average of 98, and its lowest level since May 2023.

The big news in this report was  higher prices and interest costs replacing labor quality as the top concern of respondents. Labor quality as the single most important issue fell 5 points to 16 percent, its lowest level since April 2020, during the onset of the COVID-19 Response. Twenty-three percent of small business owners reported inflation as their most important problem, according to the report.

Our take: Small business owners continue to be pessimistic about prospects, based on decaying indicators from Government and Private agencies. In this report, NFIB determined that nearly 39 percent of randomly selected respondents expect economic conditions to further decline. Remember that these indicators are subordinate to actual bookings, and sales data, but keep them in mind, if only to see how advantaged your shop is con=mpared to the broader manufacturing sector. PMPA’s last Monthly Business Trends Index remains positive.



Jolts job openings dropped by 26,000 in the most recent survey to 8.863 million openings.  The lowest level in three months.  Our take, this is further evidence that the pool of available talent is increasing, if at least temporarily.  Unfilled positions should start becoming easier to fill.  Demographically we are still headed toward less workers than open positions in the long run.


Induction Hardening Vendors

DFARS Compliance

Assistance with New Britain repair and troubleshooting

Machining Tantalum

Fusion 360 for CNC

TAR US Person Compliance Best Practices


PODCAST – Strategic Planning

Why Tool Life Can Vary: Carbon and Alloy Steels


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

March 8, 2024

PCE Price Index

The annual PCE price index dropped to 2.4 percent in January from the December 2.62 percent reading.  This is the lowest reading since around February of 2021.  Our take, there are good signs that the rate increases have done their job to cool inflation.  The PCE has a long-term average of about 3.3 percent since 1960.  Continued readings around 2 or just under are best for price stability.

Corporate Transparency Act

Just this week a federal judge in the Northern District Court In Alabama ruled that the Corporate Transparency Act  is unconstitutional.

News reports state that enforcement has been halted- for now.  It is far too soon to declare a victory- but this is an important first step in the legal fight that is certain to develop.

At this time, the ruling holds only for the plaintiffs.

Our take: There is a long legal  battle ahead. PMPA member companies should still understand the rule, determine who in their organization is likely to be considered “Beneficial Owners,” and prepare to comply so if that the Act is ultimately upheld, you will be prepared to file by the January 1, 2025 deadline. We are keeping this one on our short list.

Durable Goods

New Orders for manufactured durable goods in January, down three of the last four months, decreased $18.0 billion or 6.1 percent to $276.7 billion.

Shipments of manufactured durable goods in January, down four of the last five months, decreased $2.4 billion or 0.9 percent to $279.0 billion. This followed a 0.6 percent December decrease.

Transportation led the declines in both cases.

Our Take: PMPA’s Business trends report for January 2024 increased 2.8 percent in January, despite our workproduct largely consumed by Durable Goods markets. We believe that our index leads Durable goods- without our components, they can not ship.


Private Manufacturing Construction

Private Manufacturing Construction rose 2.1 percent to $224.947 Billion over December’s $220.394 billion. It is the largest category of spend in the non-residential sector. As we have noted before the rise of Private Manufacturing construction is a positive indicator for future manufacturing business for our shops as work returns from overseas.

Our take: It is impossible to overdramatize the significance of this indicator. The January 2024 Private construction spend of $224.947 billion dollars is up $60.3 billion, or 36.6 percent above the January 2023 level. We should be preparing for dramatic increases in demand for our precision products as these new facilities come on line.


According to FXStreet the ISM PMI index declined to 47.8 in February vs the January 49.1 reading.  The February number is also well below market expectations of 49.5.  New orders and employment were dragging the index down.  Our take, the ISM is indicating a slowing in manufacturing overall but according to our Business Trends reports our industry is currently in overdrive.  With reshoring in full swing our shops are expecting good things to come with 3 of the four sentiment indicators making positive moves and sales remaining level at a very high value for January.  January 2024 also tied for the 2nd highest January in our dataset.



Corporate : Looking for 1035 steel

Corporate : FW: Franklin Manufacturing Policy Monthly Slide Deck – March 2024

Corporate : Anyone got any connections that can explain INCOTERMS?

Quality : Calibration equipment for ring gages and plug gages

Technical : Seeking Potential suppliers of Aluminum Extrusion

Technical : Best Practice for Cleaning Shavings



PODCAST – How Do You Know What To Do Next

Why Lead Is NOT An Alloying Element In Steel


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

Feb 23, 2024

Manufacturing Production – January Blues

Winter Weather was named as a negative factor in the January Manufacturing Production Report issued by the Federal Reserve Tuesday, February 20, 2024.

“Industrial production edged down 0.1 percent in January after recording no change in December. In January, manufacturing output declined 0.5 percent;  the index for durable manufacturing edged up 0.1 percent, while the index for nondurable manufacturing fell 1.1 percent.

Among durables, the largest gains were recorded in electrical equipment, appliances, and components as well as in aerospace and miscellaneous transportation equipment. Computer and electronic products also moved up in January.

Our take: From January 2023 to January 2024 the Manufacturing Index declined 0.9 percent. Defense and Space Equipment continue to be a strong market according to Chart 2.


Cutting Tool Orders

Cutting tool orders came in at $187.9 Million in December 2023 down 7.3% from November 2023.  Orders in December were down slightly, .3%, from December 2022.  The year end total for 2023 was up 6.9% over 2022. Our take, last year was a steady growth year for cutting tools.  Inflation has cooled in the cutting too market which is good news for our shops bottom lines.  


Consumer Sentiment

Cutting tool orders came in at $187.9 Million in December 2023 down 7.3% from November 2023.  Orders in December were down slightly, .3%, from December 2022.  The year end total for 2023 was up 6.9% over 2022. Our take, last year was a steady growth year for cutting tools.  Inflation has cooled in the cutting too market which is good news for our shops bottom lines.  

Our take: in the dismal science of Economics, even a very slight change of $0.1 billion can both be “virtually unchanged” and a “new record high.” We’ll stick to making parts that are critical for human safety and quality of life applications, and leave the economics to the pros.


click on press release for Advance Report Durable goods.

Machine Tool Orders

Machine tool orders beat expectations in December 2023 increasing nearly 22% over the prior month.   The reading came in about 12% above the December 2022. Our take, this is a positive sign for our industry.  Shops increasing orders of machine tools correlates with our December business trends report showing strong positive sales expectations going into 2024.


PODCAST – Onshoring Weather Report: Strong Tailwinds!

Upset Testing


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

Feb 2, 2024

Tax Win

Wednesday night was a win for our industry.  The House of Representatives passed the bipartisan tax bill that would undo the tax increases that began taking effect on January 1, 2022, under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024 delays the R&D amortization provision until 2026 and reinstates full expensing, restores full expensing for capital investments, reinstates the EBITDA standard for interest deductibility, and increases the limitations on expensing under Section 179. This bill has everything PMPA lobbied for during our December 2023 fly-in: an R&D tax fix, restoring 100% expensing, and incentivizing investment in U.S. manufacturing. Over the past two weeks, PMPA members made their voices heard to get this victory in the House, so thank you to the many members who attended the fly-in and those who sent messages to their Representatives to urge support and passage of these vital tax provisions. Now we must continue our efforts if we want to cut our taxes and invest in the U.S.  by pushing the Senate to take up and pass the bill immediately. Contact your Senators TODAY and urge them to support and pass the bipartisan Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024.


Rate Status

The Federal Reserve voted to maintain rates this week.  According to the FOMC statement “The Committee does not expect it will be appropriate to reduce the target range until it has gained greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward 2 percent.” Our take, the Fed will not provide another dot plot till the March meeting.  The main quote from their statement indicates rates will not be going lower until they are sure inflation is settled into a long-term 2 percent range. With the latest CPI unadjusted coming in at 3.4 it may be a while before rates come down.

Consumer Confidence

“The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index® rose in January to 114.8 (1985=100), up from a revised 108.0 in December. The reading was the highest since December 2021, and marked the third straight monthly increase.” If that isn’t enough positivity, here’s what they have to say about the present situation: “The Present Situation Index—based on consumers’ assessment of current business and labor market conditions—surged to 161.3 (1985=100) from 147.2 last month.”


Our take: Consumer spending is the foundation of the U.S. Economy, And so any sense of consumer attitude that may be driving their spending can be a helpful indicator. When we hear “highest since” and “surged to” we take notice. Do you?

Durable Manufactured Goods

When does “Flat” mean “New Record High?

When the US Census bureau reports new orders for durable goods. In its January 25 release, They report “New orders for manufactured durable goods in December, up three of the last four months, increased $0.1

billion or virtually unchanged to $295.6 billion… Excluding transportation, new orders increased 0.6 percent.”

here’s where it gets interesting Chad Moutray, Chief Economist at NAM noted in his Monday email  “(durable goods)… increased 0.6% to a new record high with transportation equipment excluded.”

For the year, transportation excluded, the increase was 0.8 percent.


Our take: in the dismal science of Economics, even a very slight change of $0.1 billion can both be “virtually unchanged” and a “new record high.” We’ll stick to making parts that are critical for human safety and quality of life applications, and leave the economics to the pros.

Link: click on press release for Advance Report Durable goods.


Jolts job openings jumped by 101,000 in December.  The December reading was the highest in the last three months beating market expectations.  The South region saw the largest increase in openings.  Our take, all the doom and gloom talk about layoffs in the news doesn’t fit well with the numbers.  We have over 9 million jobs open currently, and that number has been rising since October 2023.


PODCAST – Goals and Achievements for 2024

Why Service Trumps Quality And Price


PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

Jan 12, 2024

Manufactured Optimism

New orders for manufactured goods in November, up three of the last four months, increased $14.9 billion or 2.6 percent to $592.9 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau reported today. This followed a 3.4 percent October decrease. Shipments, up following two consecutive monthly decreases, increased $2.7 billion or 0.5 percent to $580.7 billion.

New orders for manufactured durable goods in November, up two of the last three months, increased $15.0 billion or 5.4 percent to $295.2 billion, unchanged from the previously published increase. This followed a 5.1 percent October decrease. Transportation equipment, also up two of the last three months, led the increase, $14.3 billion or 15.3 percent to $107.8 billion. New orders for manufactured nondurable goods were essentially unchanged.

Our take: New Orders for Manufactured Goods increasing is a promising indicator for our shops in the months ahead. Increase in Manufactured durable goods especially so. While the talking heads predict a bumpy economy in 2024, the data at hand suggest our shops will continue to make essential products.


International Container Rates Set to Rise Almost 100%

The Journal of Commerce reports that due to disruptions in the Red Sea, “Container lines are quoting spot rates of $5000 per FEU to the US west coast, almost twice the current rate, effective January 15, 2024.” They report “average spot rates jumping more than $500 per FEU in early January as measured by Drewry.” Link requires a subscription:

Our take: This development is also a positive for our Manufacturing shops as it makes the cost of imports more expensive. Another tailwind for Reshoring.

World Steel Production

World steel production increased by 3.3% in November over the previous year. Total steel production year to date was up point 5% through the end of November. China increased only 1.5% over the previous year. China is still by far the largest producer of steel in total, but their influence is starting to slow. India made the largest gains at 12.1 percent, increasing their output to just over 7% of global production. The US saw a slight decrease in production of point 5% but is still on track to produce the equivalent of ton produced in 2022.

National Association of Manufacturer’s Outlook Survey

The National Association of Manufacturer’s Outlook Survey for the fourth quarter showed the small business sentiment outlook rising slightly from the third quarter in 2023. Survey participants cited taxes, workforce issues, and political turmoil

as top contributors to their pessimism. Survey positives included an expected growth in prices received for products is expected to rise 1.3% and inventories are expected to fall by 1.7%. Our take? While NAM sees declining inventories as a negative factor, application of lean is a positive in our shops by reducing inventory costs. There were fewer companies expecting a recession in this survey than in 3rd quarter. We expect even greater positive sentiment in Quarter 1 as Automotive manufacturing normalizes.


Ransomware gang, LockBit, is going back to the drawing board and looking at new tactics to increase ransom revenue. This group has been responsible for attacks against IK Royal Mail and Japan’s largest port. Attackers are expected to ask victims for 3-10% of annual sales for companies making up 100 million dollars. Obviously our shops

can’t throw away 10% of annual sales on a ransom It is a new year and time to make sure your systems are up to date. Make sure you have regularly scheduled training for your performers.

PMPA shares important precision machining information you may have missed while  you were making essential parts. 

Jan 6, 2024

Manufacturing – More Good News!

Manufacturing – More Good News!

Construction Spending on Manufacturing is a solid portent for more business for our shops.

It can explain why we are so positive about the activity of our shops in the years ahead. The new manufacturing facilities being built now will need our precision components. Here is a chart from the Federal reserve showing almost hockey stock growth  of total construction spending in the US $209 billion dollars  by November 2023 up $136,225 billion from the $73,553 billion invested in November of 2020.


Economic Positivity

New Residential Construction

New Residential Construction is considered to be a leading indicator for our shops, as it leads the purchase of light trucks by contractors and workmen as well as durable goods  and HVAC and other systems that require our parts.


In November, privately owned housing starts jumped almost 15 percent (14.8% to be precise) to 1,560,000 units. This is up 9.3 percent over the November 2022 value.

Single family housing starts increased 18% to 1,143,000.

Multi family (Buildings with five or more units) was 404,900.


In November, privately owned housing completions were up 5.0 percent above the revised October value, coming in at 1,447,000. While positive month to month, the rate was down 6.2 percent compared to November 2022.


Job Openings

Jolts job openings slightly lower than market expectations coming in at 8.79 million just below the consensus of 8.85million. It is 62,000 less openings than reported in October 2023. This is the 3rd consecutive month of declines in job openings.  Our take, this is continued good news that the job market is finally starting to ease a bit.  This will continue to put downward pressure on wage inflation.  With less openings there will be more qualified candidates looking for your positions.



According to PR Newswire the ISM PMI came in at 47.4% in December 2023 up from 46.7 in November.  Beating market expectations of 47.1 PMI is headed in the right direction.  PMI is still indicating contraction but can indicate a beginning of expansion when the index moves above 48.7 for an extended period.   Our take,   it is good to see PMI bouncing back.  This is the 3rd highest recorded PMI in 11 months.  A few more good readings may be an indication of turn around after the index has been declining since late 2022.