I’ll be on a panel about workforce development Tuesday September 11th at 11AM CST at the IMTSedu booth N-6677 in the North building.
Workforce development is our industry’s most critical issue.
Here’s a sneak peek to convince you. In just 8 years:

As we race toward a demographic cliff, high paying skilled jobs in our industry are being ignored by young people as they go into debt for a college degree that increasingly no longer assures a job nor even above average pay.
We need to help today’s talent find their career in precision machining.
I and the other speakers, Greg Jones from AMT, Craig McAtee from NCATC, Chad Schron from ToolingU, and Darlene Miller from Permac Industries and the President’s Job Council will be there to share ideas about workforce development and what we need to do NOW.
I’ll have more to share Tuesday, hope to see you there!
Demographics about workforce from BLS Monthly Labor Review January 2012
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