“Depending entirely on the US market is a losing strategy for any manufacturing business…” according to Mitch Free, CEO of MFG.com.
The photo here is from an INC Magazine article entitled: How To Get Ahead In China.
The quote is from a press release in Malaysia where MFG.com is kicking off their “Asia Supplier Discovery Tour.”
Here is the full quote so that you can see this version of ‘economic patriotism’ in its full context:
“As the economic recovery in the US has been slower than expected, depending entirely on the US market is a losing strategy for any manufacturing business and in the long run bad for employment in America as well. We see that lots of US-based manufacturers are now looking for alternative sourcing destinations in Asia to reduce their costs as well as develop key partnerships,” said Mitch Free, the CEO and founder of MFG.com.
With support like that for USA manufacturing, who needs enemies?
Is MFG.com really representing you when their CEO tells the world that “US-based manufacturers are now looking for alternative sourcing destinations in Asia to reduce their costs as well as develop key partnerships,”?
According to PR Newswire report on Yahoo News site : “MFG.com, the largest online marketplace for the manufacturing industry, recently joined hands with multiple overseas manufacturing corporations to kick off the Asia Supplier Discovery Tour in Kuala Lumpur and Penang for generating new business for manufacturing suppliers across Malaysia.” (emphasis ours)
Why would you pay these guys money to help YOU find business for your U.S. based manufacturing company when they are really spending their time in ASIA kicking off the “Asia Supplier Discovery Tour?”
American manufacturers need economic patriots, not ‘Global outsourcing facilitators’ that claim to promote U.S. manufacturing here in the states while they are really spending their time developing and promoting low wage, race to the bottom competitors across Asia.
“Asia Supplier Discovery Tour?”
“Depending entirely on the US market is a losing strategy for any manufacturing business?”
That doesn’t sound like economic patriotism to me.
Unless you are a Malaysian manufacturer