Certain materials and design features are more prone to the creation of burrs, especially ductile materials, intersections of machined features, and sometimes threads.

Burrs are unwanted raised material remaining on a machined part as a result of prior manufacturing operations.
Burr removal is important because burrs can:
- Prevent proper assembly of components;
- Create a safety hazard (Cuts) for employees handling the parts;
- Interfere with or prevent proper functionality of parts after assembly;
- Contaminate systems when they break off after assembly and in use.

Thermal deburring is a batch process involving very intense heat in very short durations. It’s like being inside an explosion.
Electrochemical deburring applies an electrical current to the areas where the burrs are located. The current carried by the electrolyte actually dissolves the burr material. This process can actually create a controlled radius on the workpiece by its action.
At 5:45 P.M. on February 7, a PMPA member posted a question about how to to get rid of burrs on the threads of his 304 stainless parts on PMPA’s members only Quality Listserve.
By 8:00 A.M. on February 8th, he had received 4 responses from companies located in three states and one province in Canada- all naming Vectron Deburring as their preferred source.
The pictures we’ve included above show why.
Vectron Deburring deburrs.
PMPA Listserves- Quality, Manufacturing and Technical, Corporate, Human Resources and others- connect members with solutions to problems and tools they can use.
Vectron loves to deburr.
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