Now targeting smaller firms! This year’s notice changes the establishment employee size from 40 to 20.*(Or less see below!)
This program is in addition to 13 national Emphasis Programs and approximately 140 Regional Local Emphasis programs.
This program includes SIC 20-39 MANUFACTURING.
Primary Inspection List Criteria:
- DART rate of 7.0 or higher
- DAFWII case rate at or above 5.0
- Low Rate Establishment in a High Rate Industry (very suspicious, you must be lying)

- Non providers of Rate information to OSHA’s last survey.
Secondary Inspection List Criteria
- DART rates Greater than 5.0 but less than 7.0
- DAFWII case rate of 4.0 but less than 5.0
But wait, there’s more!
Tertiary Inspection List
” If an Area Office completes its inspections of all establishments on its Primary and Secondary Inspection Lists before the expiration of this SST program, it may obtain additional establishments by contacting the Office of Statistical Analysis (OSA); Dave Schmidt by e-mail or at 202/693-1886.
The threshold rates will vary with each Area Office. OSA will randomly select and provide each Area Office with the number of establishments specifically requested by that Area Office. No establishments with a DART rate of 3.6 or lower and a DAFWII case rate of 2.2 or lower will be included. No establishments in SIC 805 will be included. “
* If you have fewer than 20 employees you may still be inspected:
“If an establishment to be inspected under the SST-11 plan has fewer than 20 employees at the time the CSHO arrives on site to begin the inspection, the inspection will still be conducted, provided that the establishment has more than 10 employees and either its calculated DART rate or DAFWII case rate is at or above twice the private sector 2009 national incidence rates (that is, DART = 3.6; DAFWII = 2.2), or records are not available.”
Wonder why employers are reticent to grow, expand or hire new employees? This example of Regulatory Tone says a lot.