It is not just demographics of our workforce that drives our industry. It is also the demands of society that provides us with the opportunity to innovate.
I was on a panel at IMTS last year on workforce issues.
I shared the following information regarding our workforce demographics in 2020 according to BLS

You can read my post here Skilled Workforce Demographics 2020
I was interested to see a presentation from Paul Horn GmbH. entitled Society- Driver of Technical Innovation at HORN Technology Days last week. Their approach was workforce agnostic- it was based on a look at the demands from society, rather than focus on how industry will supply that demand.
My economics professor would be so proud.

So how does Horn see societal demand driving innovation in the precision machining space?
7 Megatrends to Impact our Industry
- Mobility
- Population Growth
- Globalization
- Communication
- Health
- Aging Society
- Urbanization
Changes in each of these areas requires technical innovation in Production Technology, Materials, Processes, Electronics, and Software, to make new technologies economically adoptable “Just in Time.”

Interestingly, Precision Machining “owns” all five of the “columns” in this model as we grow into our future state.
Which of these are your particular “sweet spot?” What is your plan to gain competence in the others?
Who would argue that we are not facing new challenges in production technology, materials, processes, or increased use of electronics and software to make tomorrow’s more challenging parts?
We will revisit some of these megatrends in coming blogs.
Do you have a process for identifying “over the horizon” issues that will affect your shop?
Which megatrends are opportunities more so than challenges for your shop and team?
Thanks to PMPA Technical Member Horn USA for sharing the materials from Technology Days