PMPA Technical Member Nevada Heat Treating recently hosted U.S.Senator Dean Heller at their plant in Carson City Nevada.

Senator Heller told the employees at Nevada Heat Treat that “I just think it is incredibly important for America to continue to lead in manufacturing. After visiting manufacturers in Northern Nevada, Carson City, Douglas County, and across the state, manufacturing is alive and well.”

Nevada Heat Treat is demonstrating that the best way to influence lawmakers is to bring them in to our shops and show them how our people create value and that our jobs are real jobs that make us global leaders in advanced manufacturing. And the frank dialogue that can take place on your shop floor is actually heard by officials, rather than filtered out by beltway assistants and aides.
Bottom line for Nevada Heat Treat is that the Senator “…understands that we work very hard and that we expect them to work very hard for us also.”
Congratulations to Nevada Heat Treat for being selected for the visit, and thanks for helping tell our advanced manufacturing story.
Are you interested in hosting an elected official at your plant? Download PMPA’s free pdf on How to Organize a Plant Visit