As an American, a dad, a son, a husband, a professional, and as a guy, I have much to be thankful for.  
I am grateful that the member companies of the PMPA continue to find value in my work. It is the basis of my family’s economy.
I am grateful for the service of the men and women of the armed forces, my daughter and son in- law included, who put duty, honor and country ahead of all the stuff in my list below.

Just another guy thankful for the tools he can use.

I am thankful that I was born an  American and  am thankful that my life choices have resulted in a life  worth contemplating.
I hope you’ll take a few minutes this Thanksgiving Day to contemplate what makes your life worth living too.
A few of the things I am thankful for include:
Still having a couple of $20’s in your wallet the day before payday.
Nobody in front of you in the passing lane.
Waking up after surgery.
The smell and taste of the summer’s first burgers on the Grill.
A high draft number.
Honest gratitude when your kid says “Thanks Dad.”
Solving a million dollar process problem with your brain, and a pencil and paper.
New Friends. OLD FRIENDS.
Meals by Candlelight.
Dropping the deer with a clean single shot using iron sights.
It’s A Girl.^2
It’s A Boy.
 The whole body wiggle and smile you get when the baby sees that you are going to pick them up.
 The squeal in your little girl’s voice when she realizes that you aren’t holding her bike up…
Having a customer you haven’t heard from in years track you down in another state to ask your opinion.
The sound of the carabiner snapping onto the bungee cord at the top of the tower.
Being able to say “We handled that,” when the boss rushes in with that look in his eyes.
Great optics, space on the chip, and adquate light.
Being elected president of the club that didn’t want to let you join.
Hearing the piano coda in Layla emerge from the layers of guitar.
The smell and feel of real leather- work gloves or baseball gloves.
Flying to Washington D.C. with the CEO to handle “That Department of Commerce issue.”
Strawberries from your own garden.
The flash of headlights in the driveway 5 minutes before your daughter is due back from her date.
 A graph that makes sense.
Getting the tool on center with the first ‘tap.’
Hearing Carlos Santana bend and sustain a high guitar note for what must be 200 heartbeats.
Pepsi right out of the fountain.
The thoughtful email you get in the middle of a 7 alligator morning from your friend who “just knew.”
New Books. Old Books.
Solving a problem that no one else in your industry has ever solved.
The wind  and scenery rushing by as you pedal your bike.
Not winning the election, but having received the endorsement of the local paper and the Chamber of Commerce.
Watching your son put on an exhibition on how to play first base during a playoff game.
The awe in your father’s eyes when you  show him the plant that you run.
Hearing the change in her voice when she realizes it’s you on the phone.
Watching your kids graduate and knowing that their grades were WAY better than your own.
The look on your daughters’ faces  as they started down the aisle with you, when you tell  them how many heartbeats they had had since you  first  welcomed and loved them into our world.
Eliminating the root cause forever as a result of  what you learned from your designed experiment.
Kneeling at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia,  in your suit, while on a break from a trade show, taking a moment to reflect and be thankful for all of your blessings, and all of your problems, happiness, and tribulations, while a busload of  foriegn tourists try to figure out what the heck you are  doing.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am grateful the members of the PMPA  continue to find value in the work that I do for them. It is the basis of my family’s economy.