” If the costs of attaining a bachelor’s degree continue to rise faster than the benefits of having a BA in this labor force, more middle- and lower-income families might be better served by being strategic and aiming for an associate or online degree combined with some sort of targeted vocational program.”- The Atlantic

The Bureau of Labor Statistics just completed a study on unemployment among recent college grads.
The unemployment rate of recent college graduates was 12.6 percent in October 2011, little changed from a year earlier. Despite modest improvement since a recent peak in October 2009, the unemployment rate of recent college graduates remains elevated above prerecession levels. Add to that the little known fact that:
About 1.1 million, or 85.2 percent, of the 2011 cohort of recent college graduates were participating in the labor force in October 2011. (The labor force participation rate measures the proportion of the civilian noninstitutional population that is either working or looking for work.)
That means that 14.8 % of recent college grads aren’t even included in the unemployment figures since they “are not in the labor force..”
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