Every one has a To Do List. Calibrate the gages, do the safety Audit, check the grinders , prepare for performance reviews. But what about a “To Don’t List?”

I was having a great conversation with a PMPA member about the need for editing in our shops- whose job is it to decide it is time to fire (edit) unprofitable customers? for example- when they mentioned in passing that something was on their To Don’t list.
I was on that new idea like a guy in the bleachers on hot dogs on $1 hot dog night.

We all maintain lists- To Do Lists- on scraps of paper, special forms, our cell phones and tablets, on apps… Yes, there is an app for that… including one aptly called, Anxiety
But who among us maintains a list of what we should not be doing?
Do you have a To Don’t List? What is on it that you can share?
Oh, and if you have a minute, check out the To Don’t List Blog