One of the reasons I blog is for “Knowledge Retention.” I want to be sure that the stuff I know and take for granted makes the cut into the electronic realm.
In 5o years or so (the apparent limit of paper’s routine usefulness in my experience) the out of print books with the stuff that I practice will be pretty much lost.

We think we are living in an information age. Actually, the books that those of us over 50 learned from will be mostly lost, and we will be considered by history to have lived in the last “Dark Age.”
So my blogging is my “Project Gutenberg” for Metallurgy, Machining, Management and this Moment in time in our Market.
What knowledge do you (your people) have that will be lost when you (they) leave? What is your plan for assuring it is not lost?
Disney had a plan. Jobs had a plan.
What’s your plan?
Mine is speakingofprecision.