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How we manage our time is a great way to evaluate our success as managers.

How do you utilize your time?


Is the majority of your time spent putting out fires?

Dealing with unanticipated urgent issues?

Or do you spend most of your time planning, preparing, anticipating or otherwise shaping outcomes?

My rule has always been that Anticipation is the true mark of a great manager.

I am proud of my ability to deal with sudden “urgencies.”

But I believe that a manager’s highest value is having prepared in such a way that those sudden urgencies never arrive.


3 thoughts on “Time Management- Shaping Outcomes or Managing Emergencies?

  1. tom hempfling says:

    I wish my manager read this blog. I can foresee future failures in over half of the decisions upper management makes daily.

  2. Effectively managing time is a key measure of managerial success. Reflect on your time utilization—are you primarily extinguishing fires, handling unexpected urgencies? Or are you dedicating your efforts to planning, preparing, and shaping outcomes? Personally, I adhere to the belief that anticipation is the hallmark of great management. While I can adeptly handle urgencies, I take pride in a managerial approach that prevents their occurrence through meticulous preparation. The true value of a manager lies in averting sudden urgencies rather than merely responding to them.

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