I can give you 271,574 reasons why you probably ought to make it a priority.

That is the number of views to posts this blog all time since we went live in the summer of 2010.
You are missing hundreds of thousands of opportunities to connect with people who are looking for what you can provide if you don’t blog about how you can help them.
Need more reasons?
Over 240,000 potential viewers get to see our blog name and title 3 times a week on the various linked groups to which I and my colleague belong. We post our blog to our linked in groups each day if it is appropriate to that group.
Even if the group members don’t click through, just seeing the title of the post and our blog name raises our visibilty and gets our idea (the title!) out.
You could be doing this too.
Yes it’s a commitment. Anything worth doing requires a commitment. But the numbers show that we have had a lot of interest in what we have chosen to post.
271,754 interests to be precise.
You could generate similar interest, I’m sure.
So here’s a gentle post from my mentor and friend, John Sonnhalter, to help you see that this “Blog Thing” is doable- and worthwhile.
John’s blog Tradesmens Insights covers the business to business and business to tradesman market sectors.
At PMPASpeakingofprecision.com we try to publish three posts a week. We don’t seem to have a problem finding original content to write about- if you count publishing standard industry information or lessons we’ve learned along the way as ‘original content.’
But the proof is in the pudding, as my grandmother used to say, and 271, 574 servings say our pudding is worth the time.

I’ll bet yours is too.
PS, If 271,574 views isn’t good enough, how about having over 100 items show up on Google page 1?
Want to talk about this further? Leave a comment and we’ll connect.
Pudding courtesy of Stephanie Meyer at Fresh Tart Blog. thanks Stephanie!