High schools aren’t graduating people with skills that can add value in your shop.
Lorain County Community College is!

From my encounters in retail with recent graduates, just making change without a cash register is a difficult task.
Let alone using the Pythagorean Theorem to control geometry, runout, and cosine error.
Four year college graduates lack the skills we need in our shops more often than not.

Yet we have openings for people with skills.
Last night, 26 Northern Ohio Chapter members of the PMPA attended an open house of the advanced manufacturing labs at Lorain County Community College:
- CAD Lab
- Fab Lab
- CNC Machining Lab
- Welding Lab
- Computer Integrated Manfacturing Lab
- Manual Machining Lab
Our attendees were impressed with the equipment; they were quite impressed by the instructors.
They were delighted to sense the confidence, understanding, and capability shown by the students at work in the labs.
We may not know where the entire skilled workforce for our precision industry will come from, but we know some local programs where we can find some skilled technicians.