Brandon Jacobs, 20 years old, was a grocery store cashier and pricing clerk before completing the Right Skills Now program at South Central College in Faribault, MN.
He thought machining would be an interesting job.

The point of Right Skills Now was to find a way to match math qualified people with training to get them prepared for entry level CNC operator positions in our industry. After 16 weeks of classroom and hands on machining, Right Skills Now participants get real experience with sponsoring employers.

Right Skills Now made it possible for Brandon to try his hand at becoming a machinist.
His coach at Permac, Shawn Olson says “Right Skills Now made sure that Brandon had the basics mastered.”
Right Skills Now doesn’t claim to turn people into journeymen machinists overnight.
But in 16 weeks, folks like Brandon are mastering the basics of safe CNC operation and are already helping to produce precision machined products for a wide range of industries.
Unemployed? Underemployed? Consider getting the RIGHT SKILLS NOW South Central, Dunwoody.
Employers- do you need people with the RIGHT SKILLS NOW? (Program info pdf)
Right Skills Now can means Right People Now for your shop.
Ask Brandon. Or Shawn.